
Thanks man, I know it's a super controversial subject but controversy isn't really a concern to me. I really enjoy learning as much as I do when researching for these articles, thoughit can be a. It depressing sometimes. I usually start of with a pretty basic knowledge and come out with a little less basic knowledge. There's just so much more out there. I feel like I'm improving at my researching though. Starting to be able to find source documents and so on. Which is great, I don't really care what someone else wrote about a subject unless I really trust them, I want to see the studies and they're not always easy to find. But thanks for reading roundhere.

Articulate, well put together. Keep it up.

Thank you. Seeing that means a lot. Very encouraging. Truly

Oh and my hyper links on Microsoft word didn't take to Steemit posting I guess so I just updated the article with all my sources. As they say, extreme claims require extreme evidence. Plus it's just good to back up any info I put out there

extreme claims require extreme evidence
I think that's a smart way to go. I heard once, "the best way to learn something is to teach someone else".

I've definitely found that to be true. Honestly the biggest reason I write my articles is so that I can learn more about one topic or another. And then I share them of course in the hopes to get the word out and maybe even supplement income for the family. Every cent helps. Five kids, I know you know how that goes hah. Biggest thing is so I can learn and get the word out though. To the two people that read them hah. But perhaps that will change some day

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