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RE: Immigration Policy: Using Salad Bowls and Smart Contracts to Create an Antifragile Society

in #politics8 years ago

Great idea. Not sure how feasible in reality to implement, given the beaurucratic nature of governments, and especially ineffective politics in developing countries...

I'm a Canadian citizen. A few years ago, had an American girlfriend and was seeking ways to stay in the US. There weren't many besides marriage, or possibly a business investment of $100k+.

I've been living in Bali, Indonesia for four years now, and the inefficiency of the immigration systems here have been shocking. So much disorganization - for instance the provincial divisions in Bali not even being able to work together with the Jakarta office, and new systems and regulations always changing over and causing delays and headaches...

Your smart contract proposal is BRILLIANT in terms of the concept. I see how it could be of tremendous value to applicants, governments, and national economies & communities. However, as to how practical it'd be to implement when considering governmental tendency to often move at the speed of dinosaurs... Well, we may have to see. Though YES, it'd be an amazing innovation well-worth attempting to test out...


Thanks! I don't think it's feasible to implement this any time soon. I actually had a few real life friends pointing out some obvious flaws to this concise pitch of the plan. For example, the average citizen might not be qualified to determine who to verify and it's prone to bandwagon effects and wrong incentives. Special interest groups can also influence who to verify. It might also be a good idea to vote by futarchy at the beginning of the year to determine the total number of immigrants allow in for the year. I think this is definitely an idea people should discuss more to figure out how to implement in the future, but not something immediately applicable.

Similarly, I had another concept about using tokens issued on a blockchain to regulate guns. Firing guns must be biometrically verified with perhaps a fingerprint scanner on the trigger. Only authorized users would be able to fire the gun. In case of terrorist attacks, other citizens should be able to reject the transaction on the spot to prevent casualties. The solution to gun violence is not more guns and isn't more government regulation of guns either. Citizens should be empowered to own guns and also empowered to decentralize the regulation of guns on their own in specific instances. Once again, if this system isn't implemented with the proper incentives, it could promote organized crime and other special interests, but it's a good concept to think about.

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