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RE: What is leftism? What is rightism? Why are there so many different interpretations?

in #politics7 years ago

The Left/Right paradigm is a false dichotomy. The real split is individualists vs. collectivists. G. Ed Griffin has a great video about it. Your absolutely correct about the Nazi/Soviet conflict being over power. Ideologically there are far more similarities than differences. I used to laugh in college, all of the Marxist professors trying to separate themselves from those dreadful right-wing National Socialists. Good article...upvoted & resteemed! (You owe me one lol)


got any pics of naked chicks you wanna post? LOL

anytime you want a resteem, let me know!

I have a swell collection of naked movie stars on my Pinterest account...who do you want to see???

Salma Hayek or any short busty dark haired gal.

One of the reasons I joined the Marines was to go to Asia with all the little morenas instead of the big blond farmgirls I might have had to woo as an army guy in Europe LOL

Wow...I had to do some digging

well I was kidding about resteeming a nakid chick,,,

but I aint complaining

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