Follow The Money: An Explanation Of The Deep State

in #politics7 years ago

There's an old saying: If you want to get f**ked, go to court; if you want justice, go to a whorehouse. I think you could add to that: If you want the truth, go to Dr. Ron Paul. Dr Paul is one of the very few people I can actually say I admire.

I try to stay informed and did my undergrad work in political science, but had no real clear notion of what the "Deep State" really is. In an interview with author Mike Lofgren (who wrote a book about it) they go into some detail about the deep state and it's possible ramifications. In the interview, Mr. Lofgren points out that "ideology is a mental cage." It prevents us from seeing the deep state for what it actually is. The video provides a nuts and bolts explanation of a non-ideological state in which political parties are irrelevant.

For many years, certainly since the advent of mass media, Americans have been conditioned by the media to accept the deep state without even being aware of its existence. There are two kinds of people: ones that see a problem and look for a solution and people who try to discern who is to blame thereby alleviating themselves of responsibility. The deep state likes the latter and eschews the former. Problem solvers are anathema to the deep state. This is why they push the left/right dichotomy so hard in the media. The real question is, who benefits? The solution is...Follow the money.

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