My conversation trying to get through to a crazy bigoted Trump Supporter....Mueller Investigation disbeliever...

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

This is a snippet in the long line of an anarchist business associate of mine who thinks he is a republican and only sits in a spin zone of Fox, Briebart...the problem is he has a degree in philosphy, so he doesn't believe or really understand the difference between measurable facts and words..... He's to smart for his own good and so self centered that unless he is personally is negatively affected by something he won't change his view point.

Because no Trump people were named in the Meuller Indictment this Friday he took the stupid tweet from Trump saying it vindicated him! Which we all know says absolutely nothing about other indictments coming or the results of the investigation. sent this:

"Like how that worked out huh?
Just like I said it would.
Remember your inane and insane trump derangement syndrome texts to me about mueller and your premature celebrating?
As always, happens like I Say it will.
Lol lol lol lol lol


images_009.jpgFrom Me:


The beauty of this is even the Republican Supreme court refused to take up attempt by the Republicans to continue gerrymandering in Penn, Ohio, Wisconsin, Maryland and Texas ....

Watch what happens... Real Facts are dealt in a cold sober way is happening in our courts and the FBI.

13 Russians were indicted and Trump said nothing...nospeak.jpg
that's not just violating the norms...
hes not protecting and defending the constitution..

petion.jpgA real president would have done 3 things:

  1. give a speech explaining the problem
  2. he'd call together everyone and layout a plan for defense
  3. call our national security council and go on the offense

trump has done none of these!

angryholdingin.jpg A true dereliction of duty.....
And its disgusting the republicans, the USA chanters allow Russia to attack our government!
Essentially they are in the pockets of the Russians.

There is a reason for a number record number of resignations from Presidential appoints by 3 fold and largest amount of retiring congressmen from a party in 50 years is happening this year.

This is proof is that they see how morally bereft this Presidency, the administration are, and toothless the pandering the sycophant members of Republican party Congress is. and know it is bridge to far...

130 people after a year without top secret clearance dealing with classified material in the white house... meanwhile you and republicans villified hillary for maybe passing couple post dated questionable emails to someone else with top secret clearance

Watch how many go down!images_188.jpg

By the way, 4th guilty plea in Mueller investigation today! German Cahn....
Gates maybe next...
then Manafort may or may not get a deal.

Eventually it will be a lot of people in handcuffs or Trump using the Pardon....

Mark my words....

and stop wasting my time with this crap!images_100.jpg

You have not contacted me about the work we need to get done in 2 weeks and yet this is what you waste time on."mushroomhead.jpg
If you want more of my Independent Moderate US Patriot view point conversations with:
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thumbsup1.jpgby the way I have Steem Power and will reciprocate for those that make good additions to the discussion!

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