Can't beat 'em, won't join 'em...

in #politics5 years ago emulate 'em, except do it for public good not private evil.
Illinois political industry craft policies as determined by lobbyists (who are former legislators) which serve their personal interests. We have all heard: without a seat at the table, taxpayers are on the menu.

For one example, patronage and nepotism in awarding lucrative public job assignments is part of the life cycle of a typical Illinois political career. If one is not born into a ruling clan, or ones' conscience is bothered by being a predator of taxpayer-prey, one might not have a shot at a post which enables "retirement" at age 55 with six-figure salary and free health insurance for life...growing at 3% annually.

Taxpayers try to elect reformers, who send ethics and reform bills to committees as determined by Illinois legislature's Czar, these committees have no meeting and no members, bills go there to die.
Why not try something different for a change?

These extremely lucrative public jobs often have posting requirements.
FIOA can determine whether posting requirements were met before jobs were awarded to patronage workers.
Taxpayers should FLOOD each job opening with applications.
Then file EEOC complaints when not hired.

Let the political officer who is denying all other applicants in favor of his chosen patronage appointee explain to the EEOC that his discrimination against all non-patronage applicant was not about race, religion, sex or political affiliation, it was just that he owed this job as a political favor.

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