Medicare For All! Seriously?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago

Here is a great article. For those who desire “Medicare for all” are we really wanting federal judges to determine care?
Do we need the federal bureaucracy to slowly crawl as people need care? Do we want politicians to endlessly argue over what should be funded, and what should not, based upon which donors to their campaign gave them the most money. Isn’t that how ALL areas that are under federal control work? It is.

But the “Medicare for all” people are not using that as their end game, it is just a very nice foot in the doors to a larger agenda. They know that “Medicare for all” sounds good to many Americans, it is a tested statement that works to bring a few extra people toward their long term goal, government run healthcare. That is the agenda, a England style national health service. All doctors, and all medical staff are government employees.

Will this work? I am unconvinced that it is the most efficient way to distribute healthcare. Government and efficiency has never been synonymous. They are like oil and water. Better people in power is the answer to that, but better people are still corruptible, that has been the history of the world. Even Jesus’ disciples were corruptible, one denied him three times, and one turned him over to the Romans.

If you want better healthcare, at affordable prices the secret is not turning it over to the government. When has the government done anything correctly. Education outcomes are stagnant, with parents fighting for better opportunities for their kids, who are stuck in inner city underperforming schools. The government is slow to react and change when things are not going well, because special interests have an interest in the status quo. Hence the reason schools never change, and politics keeps any change from happening. We don’t need that with healthcare.


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