Do you believe that the United States should invade Venezuela?

in #politics6 years ago

Venezuela was characterized as a country where on December 24 the liquor stores were packed with people buying drinks, the toy stores were not enough to supply the number of parents who brought gifts to their children, this December 24, 2018 , liquor stores, toy stores, hairdressers, and the streets were totally alone, I went out to ask some people their opinion of what they were thinking about what was happening, but a lady instead of answering my question, she answered me with another question and told me; I do not know when Venezuelans will endure this, because the United States and the other countries do not unite and invade Venezuela, we are dying of hunger.

It seems a lie but one person in the toy store looking for a gift to buy.

But thousands of Venezuelans were running across the border of Cucuta wanting to escape from Venezuela.

I stopped for a moment to think what was happening and what that woman had told me, BECAUSE THE UNITED STATES DOES NOT INVADE VENEZUELA

I began to remember every time the Venezuelan president appears on television giving a press conference and begins to offend each of the presidents who comments or criticizes him as he in a way makes his state policy in our country, the president of states united, to Brazil to Chile, etc., not even in a diplomatic way, using a rude, offensive and often challenging dialect.

I was a Venezuelan Air Force military officer for 20 years and I worked with the air defense systems, and I assure you that the United States sends planes to Venezuela, and they start attacking our military bases and our radars would not have realized that they entered. to Venezuelan territory.

The Venezuelan militia with which our country counts are pure elders who can not raise a 4-kilogram rifle and much less walk, as they would face a soiled signal from the United States, it is ironic to talk about my country, my armed forces, But I think there is something else behind that speech, and sometimes I wonder if the president of Russia and China will have told President Nicolas Maduro to continue with his threatening and rude speech that they, if the United States wants to intervene in Venezuela , they would also face them, alleging that they have interests in our country, such as the oil they receive in exchange for technology transfer, or for the dollars they gave in exchange for buying Petros and that their guarantee or support is the gold of our country

The US military, the armies of Brazil, Colombia and Peru carried out joint military maneuvers in the Amazon region, Bolivia was invited but rejected this proposal. and right-wing governments plan to create a coalition to carry out military incursions against countries such as Venezuela in the Latin American region.

This was the headline of many newspapers in Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia in the month of December, so the mature president called the Bolivarian militias to carry out defense practices in our country in all states.

Iraq and most of the Arab countries live in war every day, many people die every day, North and South Korea live in war and you have atomic weapons, the United States, the UN, the OAS, and many years of meetings to discuss if they invaded or not.

The same thing will happen with Venezuela. we must wait for a lot of hungry people to die here, I await your comments


It is ironic that just when you need the Americans to be belligerant, they vote for themselves a president who no longer is willing to sacrifice his own people to save others.

Still, I hope the weight of guilt grows to be too much...but also, keep in mind, it is not just circumstance that brought about the destruction of your lovely country. It is part of the plan by the globalists. As they did to you, so are they trying to do to Europe and the USA. Since Putin is anti-globalist, or so he proclaims, perhaps the future holds a surprise or two.

I hope so.

If what you say is true, globalization has damaged many things but I think that the mentality of Venezuelans has been the worst

If I may point out a difference:

Globalization is when people go on holidays all over the world,; when they eat foods from countries on the other side of the world....and so on.

Globalists are a group of people who have decided that because they have money, it makes them special and so they must get rid of nearly all of us, because the world must belong to only them (they will keep a few as serfs/slaves).

It is the official policy of the United Nations - do a check on their depopulation program, which holds our governments not liable for any deaths they cause of their own citizens.

Being in S America, it was easier for them to do it to you, but they are now concentrating on EU and USA.

We are all holding our breaths anxiously, hoping Trump can save us. If he does, he will not only be saving the USA, he will be saving the entire world, for most of the power and wealth of the globalists is in America.

Check also by searching for Georgia Stones. Read the message on it - and if you think it is a nice message, then it means you do not understand it at all. For instance, they say on it that those few who are allowed to live, will only be allowed to have a child (if they approve the application and they will choose who you have it with and then, the child will be theirs, not yours).

We are living in the most horrible "science fiction" story ever imagined!!!


I just had a thought. With millions of Venezuelans escaping to neighbouring countries - what you need is for a compatriot of yours to inspire them to form an army. Once weapons and vehicles can be found, the people in Venezuela, knowing it is Venezuelans attacking, will abandon the government much earlier than they would if it is the USA soldiers invading. The neighbouring countries must be suffering with so many Venezuelan refugees, so that might be willing to help arm the rebels (no, I prefer the word Liberators).

if friend in goergia stone appear 10 guides that seem very important for humanity, I think they are strategic lines for the world to work well, just as God left the ten commandments, as a guide to people

You are entitled to your opinion - but may I ask, since what is happening in Venezuela is according to those rules (all Venezuelans must die), if you are in a home with your family starving, you are only able to see good and you are happy to sacrifice friends and family to their New Ten Commandments?

According to the post I saw you made for your birthday, you talk about God. If you do face Him someday, I wonder how you will explain to HIM why you chose the commandments of Satan in place of His commandments. For that is what you have just told me in your reply. I do not think He will accept ignorance as being an answer, for HE gave you a brain and since you can surf the web, it was up to you to study and teach yourself the truth, instead of accepting the words of the evil ones as your new belief system.

When I told you about the stones, I did warn you that the intentions are not good, that they only SEEM to be good and that you must analyse and work out what they really mean - but you did not. You just took the easy way.

No wonder the globalists say we do not deserve to have our lives or even our children.

You must be very simplistic in your thinking - I'm sorry if you consider that insulting, but it is the truth. You really expect evil to be obvious? You agree with their intention of killing off seven billion people without even spending the time to investigate what is really happening?

You agree that only one religion is to be allowed - and that it will not be Christianity, Buddhirm, Islam....the religion of the globalists? Satanism.

You agree there must be only one language? Poof, there goes all the beauty of thousands of years in poetry, songs, literature and in diverse ways of seeing ourselves and the world. We must become like stupid robots, doing as we are told and according to your lovely ten commandments, we are not allowed to have children without their permission - and if they give it, they decide who you have the child with.

In one thing the globalists are right. Those who deserve to survive will do so because they fight back and refuse to believe their lies - while those who follow like sheep, never thinking for themselves, will become extinct.


If you had shown you are trying to learn and understand the truth, if you had asked questions, I would have tried to explain each and every of their ten rules, so that you understand. However, despite my warning, you chose to believe them. Well, good luck to you and your family. As it is highly unlikely your family will be chosen to survive, by the globalists, enjoy having them while you can, for these are the last of our days, if people like you are in the majority, giving the globalists the power over us they need for getting rid of us.

It is an interesting question... I feel sorry for the people of Venezuela. They are a wicked people who have denied, God, Capitalism, and embraced wickedness, drugs, the lies of communists propaganda, and communism. To some extent what is happening is just natural. Communism tends to fail when you run out of rich people to steal from. (With rampant gangs, high murder rates, political corruption, police corruption, and more; they have are the highest murder rates in Latin America.) (And the communists are very successfully trying to destroy what is left of all successful capitalists and businesses.) The USA and Venezuela have been political enemies for a long time. To see the USA's enemies fail, when we do nothing is a interesting beneficial side effect of understanding basic economics. Free markets work, and although many deny it; they still have to deal with the side effects. I doubt there is significant USA interest in Invading. The USA does not need Venezuelan oil. And no matter what, people are going to claim, -if the USA invades- that we are after the oil. We certainly were not after the oil in Iraq, but that did not stop years of accusations. It is hard enough to deal with all the difficulties of going into another country without the negative publicity that comes from years of main stream media nagging about the outcomes. It takes a lot of work and time, in Iraq, Afganistan, Korea, Japan, and Germany to build a successful nation. And people of Venezuela would likely rebel against any USA occupation force. It is not easy setting up the judicial systems -going after the drug dealers- and investing and building a country. Most Latin American Countries, -columbia, brazil, El Salvador, Mexico, are having real problems. (Interestingly enough even Puerto Rico, -under USA control for years, has had difficulty getting to the mainlands levels of economic productivity. It could be latin American culture, I don't know.) Venezuelan people are not going to be happy with a USA invasion, they are just going to demand more free stuff from an invading force. It is true that the USA could come in. Truthfully, a United Nations force, bringing in humanitarian aid, and led by someone other than the United States. (lead by South American Neighboring Countries) (With advisement of Britain, Australian, European leaders, with a very minor American -Logistical Support, would probably be better. That Said everyone always wants America to foot the bill. These invasions and country building exercises get expensive. It is an interesting question, but if the people of Veneuzela wait for American intervention, they are likely going to Die of Hunger. We let everyone in Cambodia die during 1975. (We were sick of Vietnam.) We are sick of Iraq and Afganistan and Syria now... The Venezuelan people are going to need to change their hearts and minds and start locally ending corruption, and building the type of country they want to live in. They need to look at other countries examples, like Columbia, and just reverse all policies of the last 20 years reversing direction back to free markets. They know and have seen the right way to do things. But they have chosen a different path. It saddens my heart, but these are the consequences of individual and collective responsibility for actions.

gracias amigo que gran charla me diste con tu escritura, yo tambien pienso que nosotros los venezolanos nos cansamos de derrochar y no aprovechamos y valoramos lo que teniamos, fue solo cuestion de cultura, nos falta mucho cambiar nuestros pensamientos, y nuestra manera de ver las cosas, creo que estados unidos es un gran pais, organizado en sus politicas y administración, nosotros no supimos administrar lo que teniamos y que todavia tenemos, colombia es un ejemplo de cambio de mentalidad fue un pais pobre que crecio rapidamente y su mentalidad siempre deseando superarse, aqui solo pensamos en comernos unos con otros, gracias por tu evaluación, me gusto mucho
thank you friend that great talk you gave me with your writing, I also think that we Venezuelans get tired of wasting and we do not take advantage of and value what we had, it was just a matter of culture, we need a lot to change our thoughts, and our way of seeing the things, I think the United States is a great country, organized in its policies and administration, we did not know how to manage what we had and still have, Colombia is an example of change of mentality was a poor country that grew rapidly and its mentality always wishing overcome, here we only think about eating each other, thanks for your evaluation, I liked it a lot

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