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RE: Free California! How you can help!

in #politics7 years ago

"I look around and I can see plainly that the representative democracy form of government as practiced in the USA has reached a scaling limit." California is way beyond the scaling limit as well. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see any proposed changes to the form of governance in the #calexit movement that would lead to less government interference in peoples' personal business should secession succeed. This state is notorious for infringing upon liberty above and beyond the status quo even compared to the Federal level as well as compared to other states. I live here and I am unequivocally against full on secession from the union. The only way I could support such a thing is if the entire union were to agree to a pared down Federal government, but remain a political union nonetheless.

I originally made my case here I give my reasons for wanting to leave if secession occurs. The most prominent of which is because I don't see this going down without a war occurring, and I don't see California winning that one. The Feds will never give up their strategic ports willingly in my opinion. It doesn't matter if it's "legal" or "peaceful". You can couch it in any language you want, but what you're suggesting is taking what these people consider their property from them, and they have all the guns.

Even if California were to succeed, peacefully or otherwise, I'm of the opinion that the politics here would cause a very quick descent into a socialist dystopia. The people in control here are psychotic. I wouldn't want to stick around to see it unfold. When it comes to secession, I'm out.


Yeah, I imagine that an independent CA would be quite a bit more liberal than it is now. From what I can tell, this is the intention of the leaders of the movement. You write

The only way I could support such a thing is if the entire union were to agree to a pared down Federal government, but remain a political union nonetheless.

If the cal exit thing really gains traction, it's going to shake up a lot of the way things work whether it's successful or not. In my optimistic moments, I imagine it spurring a broad conversation about how we could all benefit by restructuring the whole country's governance; this could lead to drafting a modernized constitution, a more sensible approach to the urban/rural dichotomy, a better distribution of power between the Federal and State governments. But maybe I'm just being optimistic...

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