
Hi Kiligirl. Granny thinks you'll be coming home soon fer some of her opossum stew! Ain't nobody can resist her stew ya know? Missing you! Ellie Mae🐓🐓 Ms. Jane's been chasin Jethro round the cement pond. He can run real fast when he has a mind to!

😂😂😂😂 Oh, Ellie Mae, you kill me! So great to hear from you. Yup, got back Monday night around 11, unpacked, picked up on work stuff, got groceries (didn't get any ingredients for opossum stew, so I'm mighty happy you already made some), organised photos and started my trip posts yesterday. First post is nearly done now. Just need to put photos in. Jeepers, it wasn't what I expected! Thought I'd have time each evening for a quick post. Bwahaha! We barely had time for supper each evening. But I'll share some of that in my posts.

Hope you've been well and I'm looking forward to catching up with you over this coming week. 😘😘😘

Sounds like a whirlwind of a trip. Action packed. So glad you are back home safe and sound. Kind of worried with the news coming out of Spain and France. Will read your post when I get home this evening. Have a great day! Ellie Mae🐓🐓

Thanks for the concern, Ellie Mae 😊😊. We took a decision we weren't going to worry about the bad guys while we were there, otherwise it would be a victory for them. Walking through the Red Light District of Amsterdam on Saturday night with hundreds, possibly thousands, of people in the streets, we thought the bad guys had a long way to go to interfere with that level of freedom and freedom of expression. And that the CCTV and plain-clothes police were probably working really well, because we didn't see a single unpleasant incident despite the fact that a lot of the young lads from the UK and US were clearly drunk. Have some more work to do now then I'll get to the job of finishing my first post. There will be more after that! Looking forward to getting back to reading yours! 😊😊

Hi there, @mother2chicks - I've just posted my first post and am now working on the next ones. But first I'm going to treat myself to reading what you've been posting! 😊😊

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