First Ever Live Radio Broadcast From The Texas Libertarian State Convention, Quinn Eaker Talks About How Broken The System Is & How to Change It!
I was interviewed live on the first ever radio broadcast from the Texas Libertarian Stave Convention. I ran for House of Representatives as a Libertarian and received the most votes for any Libertarian in the history of the metroplex.
In this show, I talk about the atrocious BLACK OPS SWAT RAID, how broken the system is and how to fix it, and how The Garden of Eden achieves its negative zero carbon footprint.
This is a great interview to get an intro glimpse into the life I live and what my priorities/values are. I not only want to bring valuable content/knowledge/possibility to the Steemit Community but also want to give this cutting-edge community an opportunity to get to know me and how I live.
This is part 1, and I will share parts 2 and 3 in future posts!
Again, I want to say how grateful I am that this platform exists and that we are all participating in a truly revolutionary community!

"We the People are the don't have to be rich, you don't have to be a politician, you don't have to be special--we are all special in our divinity, in our birthrights. This country was founded on We the People by the people for the people, and all we have to do is claim that power back and the country begins to change."
Inspirational words! Thanks for being the change, Quinn!! May all beings choose a world that's healthier and more sustainable for ALL by reclaiming their inherent rights and standing in their power!!!
I smell change in the air. Bring it on!
The ideals by which Quinn lives are so profound and progressive that the LIbertarian Party sought him out to be their representative. He wasn't looking to be their spokesman or live up to their standards (or anyone else's for that matter), but sets his own standards of integrity and lives them regardless if anyone notices it or not. Quinn is truly a pioneer, paving the way to a whole new world. He doesn't just tune into one facet of life, but the interconnectedness of the whole. He sees the entire bigger picture and lives every moment for the highest purpose. It is great to see this interview and that it is public so people can get a glimpse of what he is creating even in the midst of such great dysfunction in the world. You have my UPvote Quinn. Can't wait for you to share the rest of the interview. It's powerful!
Thank you EverLove~
I appreciate the testament to the BIGGER picture of which only some can see~
Thank you so much for this message. I love being able to witness this in person :) love you all so much!
Thank you for the support!
I will continue to live by my ideals regardless of the rest of the world, yet it is very nice to have support!