Enabling Civil War 2.0 - Part II - The Dark Church

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

by Quan Parker

"That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshiping we are becoming." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Worship of Power

High-minded principles and the people they protect are soon laughingly forgotten by the practical bureaucrat or elected official finding him- or herself knee-deep in the swamp, owing favors, wanting more. It's how the system works. Play the game or get out now. No one person or even a party can change it, because none of them really wants to or knows how.

Once a dues-paid member of the Matrix, there's no payoff for coming out brutally honest other than ostracism from one's peers, ruination of career, assassination of character or worse. Collective irresponsibility assumes a life of its own, and suddenly it's nobody's fault; it's just the Nature of the Beast. Heroin, even crack addiction can be defeated, but this?

"When all are guilty, no one is." ―Hannah Arendt

Understanding the one-way trip to the darkside that power brings to the human psyche demands an extremely robust, profound skepticism in regard to all forms of sanctified authority, from petty tyrants ruling homeowners' associations on up to the FED and don't stop there. What exactly are the IMF, BIS, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilaterals, etc. and what do they do?

To miss this steaming mountain of hubris is to refuse to learn real history, or from real history. It begs perhaps the most basic of political questions: How can we have a stable, just society? Much more to the point, how can we have that, if in reality we are the powerless subjects of egotistical sociopaths who don't give a flying rat's hiney about human, civil or constitutional rights? You know, just like most Ceasars, Czars, Kings, warlords and the types that crawl up their legs?

These "leaders" are convinced of their metaphysical, existential, divine and/or satanic righteousness, and will go on TV with the right interviewer softballing prepared questions, cock their head to one side and silkily justify bombing hospitals, schools and wedding parties and even churches, in countries with whom we are not officially at war and pose no real threat to America. Or, in Waco, Texas.

Piety and moral condemnation do not function meaningfully once the religion of Power gains sway, nor does a sense of justice or restraint. In the Church of Government, anything goes (just ask Pope Machiavelli), and all is forgiven with proper tithing. Ethics is all about not getting caught. Money is not the root of evil, but it is how evil rewards itself and greases its way to the "top."

The filthy lying government agents (see the movie and you tell me) who conducted and covered up the Ruby Ridge and Waco massacres are now comfortably retired, assured by the total corruption of the police state that they will never be held accountable for their crimes.

There is no justice in this world unless we make it so.

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