Trump or Clinton? It Does Not Matter - They Both Greatly Advance the Cause!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Hillary is obviously going to win of course ..

credit: The Telegraph

However, it does not matter to me if it be Hillary, or if it be Trump, both will accelerate the loss of faith in The State!

People no longer believe they are being represented, the result of this election will finally destroy what is left of the illusion.

So get your beer and popcorn ready, this is a WIN for 'eventual' freedom, either way!


Sure, it'll be great until Trump throws you in Guantanamo without trial because someone labels you a terrorist.

Anything but Trump!

If Trump were to win, and honestly I do not care which of these two do, the xenophobic fear-mongering will cease immediately after the election - it's bad for business to spout such negativity. There is not much more that he could do to empower government security & intelligence in the USA that has not already been done. Certainly illegals and new immigrants to the USA will have a rough time - there will a sharp rise in deportations, for both the undocumented and those in-process who commit crime etc. The drug war will continue, unfortunately, and the social safety-net, what's left of it, will continue to be dismantled.

All-in-all, same old same old.

Here's hoping the American people wake up one day and say to themselves .. how the fuck did that joker become President - this system is a bloody joke! If it is Hillary, they will wake up and ask themselves .. what the hell!? A Clinton .. 300+ Million people and we couldn't come up with anyone so tainted!?

What you 'could' look forward to with a Trump Presidency, if there was a major upset, is decreased tensions with Russia, and a re-focused effort to defeat ISIL, the real enemy of peace in the Middle East ... not pushing to end the Asad regime. Ending the refugee crisis has everything to do with destroying ISIL, and absolutely nothing to do with knocking Asad off and replacing him with god knows what.

But of course, we know that the continued existence of ISIL 'and' the refugee crisis it has created, are seen as beneficial to US interests, given the harm it has done to European Unity.

if it was just theatre i wouldn't care but this is the holy mass of the state, and you forget clinton has it in for the internet.

Um... Trump wants to shut down the internet.

I probably should have had that in my post yesterday... but still Anything but Trump.

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