Obeying AuthoritysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago


Most people today have an unquestionable obedience to authority, it's the worst sin of them all to disobey somebody in a position of power. This is unfortunately a bad genetic trait that humans carry, due to the way we have evolved. We evolved from small tribes, tightly controlled by the best leaders living under the harshest of conditions. If they wouldn't have done this in the past, there would have been no humanity now, because the chieftains that were sloppy, sent their tribes into doom. So only the best tribes have survived, who had the best leaders.

Alright, but the question is, does this principle still apply? Sure it's engraved in our DNA, but does it still apply? Just as you still have wisdom teeth and appendix, which have no role whatsoever, the human body and personality still carries ancient obsolete relics that might not be useful in this age, or be quite harmful.

While obeying authority in a harsh condition, where it was a matter of survival might be useful, especially since in those harsh conditions only the best leader emerges in order to save those humans from extinction.

In this age, where humanity has pretty much extended itself both physically, and intellectually, it looks like obeying authority has way more downsides than benefits.

If an authority commands a soldier to push the red button, therefore initiating nuclear war, he only thinks of it from his perspective. He must obey his commander, because disobeying him is the greatest sin, and he thinks that if they strike first, they might have a chance of survival. Totally wrong of course, because his enemy thinks the same way. And so thus both sides initiate nuclear launch against the other, both of them will take an equal amount of nukes, and thus ending human life on Earth.

That is what happens if people obey authority now, Nuclear War. Do I need to mention what the Nazis did? How they carried out the Holocaust without any remorse, they were just following orders. An order is an order, and you can't question it, but that didn't absolved them from the extreme sins they have committed.

People have to realize that obeying authority in this age only leads to death and destruction, literally. Whether it's a solder that is ordered to strike a hospital, or whether it's a police officer murdering a 6 year old kid, or whether it's that soldier that will push the red button ending human life on Earth through Nuclear War.

It doesn't work anymore. There are over 7 billion people, and there literally can't be a leader anymore that is righteous, you can't micro-manage 7 billion people, you have to let them do what they want.

Any Government that tries to micromanage a society will only add more internal pressure into it, and where the pressure builds up, it has to come out somewhere, so only death and chaos will be the result of it.

Think of the recent Indian cash ban, where they banned several banknotes in India. It had resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, because they banned banknotes overnight, without preparation. This is extreme coercion, extreme exercise of authority on a massive scale. Literally introducing massive change in society in 1 day, affecting the lives of 1 billion people. Needless to say that this has introduced massive pressure in the Indian economy which will come out in one way or the other. There were already riots, but this could only get worse, unforeseen consequences could happen to the Indian economy, that the government had no clue about and had no idea to anticipate it, simply because of this massive initiation of force.

The more you micromanage a society, the more pressure builds up that will end with the collapse of that civilization. While in a small tribe of 30-50 people, this pressure is tiny, well it might result in the disobedience of future kids in the tribe, which has happened many times in the Native American community, how many kids there have assimilated and left the Reservations, due to not liking their tribal lifestyle. But it could be a lot worse in a big society, where we are talking about hundreds of million of people going crazy.

I mean if the governments ban cash entirely, due to the limited nature of the banking system (and trust me there will be many failures, like credit cards not functioning, they can't guarantee 100% uptime for billions of people), then the people will go crazy. That will be the end of civilization, a massive economic collapse of the magnitude we have never seen before, simply because governments have gone way out of line in the past 200 years, and have tried to micromanage every faucet of our lives.

Thus it shows that obeying authority only causes mayhem in the longterm, every single time. The only way to have a longterm stable society is to have a free society where coercion is little or none, and people can live freely without having pressure put on them.


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I agree with you, @profitgenerator. I think that obedience to authority goes well beyond the government. There is also pressure to conform to social norms, no matter how deleterious they may be. You may have heard of the social conformity experiment where people feel they have to keep standing up for no reason in a waiting room because other people are doing it. I would say that this fight against our own human nature is even more difficult than the fight against government tyranny.

This submission has made it on the @MutuWhale MutuList!

Excellent on a theoretical level, but I don't think you can convince the masses they don't need to obey. No way. People love to be told what to think, what to eat, how they should live their lives. No choice, no responsibilty, you get to blame life, fate, the world in general for your failures and general misery.

Of course you can't, the masses are too dumb. But you can steer them in the right directions if the environment is voluntary. You have to think of the masses like sheeps, because that is what they are. So you have to have organizations that kind of steer the sheep in the right way.

  • Educational organizations, like the Mises Institute for example
  • Activists
  • Cryptocurrencies and projects of the sorts
  • Free speech platforms

And so on. You can steer the sheeple in the right way if you have the environment necessary.

Such an important topic, thanks @profitgenerator for taking the time to write, and to @zedikaredirect for resteeming so that it came up on my feed. I highly recommend that anyone interested in this topic (pro or anti) should check out Mark Passio's lectures on Order Followers and The Cult of Ultimate Evil.

Instead of micro-managing 7B+ people, the plan is to kill most of them, most of us, your children and grand-children if they make it that far.

Enemy of humanity, war criminal and satanic psychpathand dead man zbigniew brzezinski:

It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control them

See also Georgia Guidestones.

Joining in is Eugenicist bill the thief gates, his minions and other self proclaimed 'authorities'.

I disagree that this is genetic. If so, why is it not in MY GENES? It's conditioned/brainwashed into the minds of those lost souls who watch TV and believe the bovine excrement programmed into (us).

I am publishing Part 2 of BROKEN later today, which talks about the dangers of TV.

-ch @globocop

you are absolutely right profitgenerator

@profitgenerator, i wish i was powered up to vote this.

Will just leave this meme instead for visibility to your post....
Steem Trust Meme.jpg

Good write ups like these are often buried in a mountain of shitposts...

Good Work!

yah they Banned cash & the 1+ BILLION Citizens of INDIA- went ALONG WITH IT.

It was the Globalist Test Case. They Got Away With It! Now The Globalists- will go ahead & proceed to try it in more countries. The Indians 1+ Billion of them - stood in line to turn in their Big Bills- instead of mass Revolt, resistance & just the Mass Of 1+ Billion Indians Saying Screw You to The Government & Continuing to use the Big Bills.

But the WORST & MOST PERSONAL Examples of OBEY AUTHORITY- must be all the People who BLINDLY BELIEVE & FOLLOW The Orders of their DOCTORS!

Idk dude, most of the world is democratic.

The people choose the leaders.

Now if people are retarded and they choose leaders such as Trump, is it really Trump's fault?

Just an example, i don't give a shit about politics.

But do you truly believe that the world leaders today were chosen? More specifically, do you have faith in the operation of / legal issues surrounding the electronic voting machines on which American elections are conducted?


Not to mention, our government's history of coups. I would say 'not giving a shit about politics" is a natural reaction to total bullshit. But ultimately, the path to freedom is about personal responsibility, and learning to honor the power of our daily choices and the effects they have on the world we live in (i.e. the increased availability of organic foods is a market-driven effect, driven by an idea becoming contagious by people seeing each other make changes.)

In summary: You could use more informational-ammo for your truth arsenal, but you're right not to give a shit about politics.

They do plenty of voting fraud with paper ballots too. By the way, the casino oversight doesn't satisfy me either, what if they bribe the regulator to just turn a blind eye if discrepancy is found between the firmware of the chip and that of the "legal software"?

Democracy is one of the worst social constructs - as it is so easily corruptible and suspect to manipulation/dumbing down of the masses - often opinionated entitled no-bodies who consume rather than creating value.

Two wolves 🐺 🐑 🐺 and one sheep vote on what's for dinner... Let's see...

-ch @globocop

What's the saying? "There are none more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they are free" ...or something like that.

This is so true today, unfortunately.



They don't call them sheeple for nothing...

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