Multi Culturalism vs Multi Racialism - SOLUTIONsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


I think there is a huge misconception here regarding the immigration/open borders issue, and I would like to present a "golden mean" solution to it, but also clearing up the misconceptions here. Because it is easy to conflate racism and the preservation of a stable society, I don't think it is a honest thing to do and it does not address the issue.

First of all we have to make a clear distinction between culture and race. It's not the same thing, it may overlap:

  • different colored people could have the same culture
  • or different colored people could have different culture
  • or same skin color people can have different culture

Packing all of these 3 distinct scenarios into 1 package and conflating them is not honest. Because cultural homogenity is not necessarily racist, it could be, but it doesn't have to.

Multi Racialism

Multi racialism or in plain English, different skin color people living in the same area and sharing the same culture. You know a good example of this is Hispanic countries like Spain, Mexico, Brazil and so forth. You have people from all over the place living there from white skin color to dark black and anything in the middle. Yet it's a homogenous culture, usually Catholics, all embracing the local traditions and customs with more or less variations and all of them accustomed to the culture, regardless of their skin color differences.

For example when I was in school, I had a pretty mixed racial class. I had classmates there of different skin colors, and this was back in the 90's when this wasn't even a news worthy issue. I never felt any kind of racist tendency in me, I had friends from all over the place, I could befriend anyone of any skin color, I didn't looked down on them just because they had different skin color, in fact most of the time I didn't even noticed it. We were kids basically, and if you get used to having different colored people around you from a young age, then you don't even notice it.

And it wasn't even an issue until the stupid media blew it up to an unproportional degree with all this race-baiting stuff. I personally could treat anyone of any skin color, if he has the same culture of course, with the same degree of respect.

I can also find women of any particular skin color attractive, although I probably shouldn't do that, because I am married. So I don't even think any sort of biological repulsion exists if they share similar customs and values as you do.

Multi Culturalism

Multi Culturalism on the other hand, regardless of the skin color of the groups, inevitable provokes distrust and hostility, especially if people with totally opposite set of values live in the same area.

And again, it has nothing to do with skin color, just think of the Religious Wars in Europe. It was white people killing white people, because one group believed in authoritarian centralized religion (Catholics) and the other believed in a more free and libertarian perhaps even secular view (Protestants).

So you can easily see if 2 sets of people who have totally hostile views live in the same zone, regardless of race, they do end up in conflict with eachother.


So it looks like Multi Culturalism does create social chaos and mayhem, while a Homogenous Culture with different races living together, sharing the same values, does not.

  • So if you import tons of Middle-Eastern people into Europe, who have a right-wing theocratic culture, into a secular semi-democratic free speech loving zone, it will inevitably end up in conflict.
  • On the other hand in the USA you have a pretty similar culture between Blacks and Whites, both of them breath the same polluted air, all of them eat the same fast food garbage, both of them drink the same Fluoridated water and pretty much share similar goals and aspirations (the racial conflict there is pretty much caused by the media and the Government)

So if you have a decent American black guy who is a dentist, a car mechanic or a businessman, there is really not much cultural difference there as opposed to his white counterpart. Now if there is a black guy from the ghetto, then there are obvious differences, but not racial, since if it were a white guy from a ghetto, he would behave in a similar way.

So even this ghetto/gangster culture is the same in all skin colors, but it is a different culture from the general population of hard working decent citizens.

Even in Europe you have some sub-cultures an inevitable conflict between Marxists and Christians, what is left of them anyway, but usually peaceful. But when you import Middle-Easterners who have a totally opposite world view to both of them, especially not afraid to use unjustified violence to invoke their religious fanatic beliefs. Then we have a problem.

So the obvious solution here is to not import people of different culture. And look I am not saying that Middle-Easterners are not welcome in Europe. They are if they are secular, civilized, and embrace western values. But if they are religious fanatics, then they are not welcome, Europe has already moved on from religious wars, we don't need that crap back.

So religious fanatics should go back and only come back after they have embraced secular civilized values. And this is not racism, this is opposition to a fanatic theocracy.

If there is a decent secular person, regardless of his skin color, he may very well come. There are probably many good people who want to immigrate, like architects, engineers, doctors, and so on. They can come, but only if their view is compatible with secular western views.

I think this is the best solution to this immigration issue, where the White-Supremacists want to ban all non-whites, which is very evil and racist. And the Marxists who want to let in anyone regardless of their incompatible cultures. My golden mean position is to only let in those that have similar views, regardless of their skin color, but only if they really embrace the European values. It is the best compromise.

If a billion Libertarians want to immigrate to Europe, I will welcome them with warm hugs !!


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


Hit the nail on the head...great srticle

this is really nice from you i like it

Ok but anyone can lie about their values on a test. The only hope for peace is prolly a nuclear bomb program working in Iran and Syria. Isnt there more respect for the sovergnty of N Korea than middle Eastern countries?

Isnt this the message the US has been sending around the world? Get nukes or get bombed.

Who said anything about a test? That would clearly be very inefficient and corruptible. Perhaps certain rules that would filter out the diamond from the ash. Perhaps citizenship should not be free, if the life quality in Europe is decent, that meant a lot of work and struggle for citizens living here. So it should not be given away for free for people who can't appreciate it. Maybe they should buy citizenship or at least residency. Look if they are legitimate people, mostly middle class, they earn pretty decent amount of money, so they could easily purchase it. After they purchased it they will feel that they have actually put something into it, so they will respect it more than if it were given to them for free.

I disagree with you on the Middle East part. North Korea is a Stalinist dictatorship and the other Middle Eastern countries aren't exactly Garden's of Eden either. So while I agree that this endless war is really pointless and it creates more radicals than it destroys. I am against war. However if these crazy people get their hands on nukes that could end up very very bad for humanity.

That sounds like what Canada did for Chinese immigrants. Ostensibly the concern was the Chinese were being bought as slaves and we were going to have a large slave population without something like that.

I tend to agree that values are the strongest factor in societal cohesion and stability. I find the leftist position that genetics are irrelevant to be absurd and deliberately choosing to pretend that it is not a factor renders their arguments invalid or at least superficial.

The interaction of culture and genetics on a society over the long term is complex with each shaping and selecting for traits in the other. While it is clear that the problem must be considered in its entirety with both culture and genetics, no simple solution is obvious. Perhaps the emerging ability to author our own DNA will help bring the problem into enough focus to make progress on it. Using it as a platform to virtue signal certainly wont move anything toward a solution.

Then you haven't studied how tribes work. While it is true that there is some pre-built racism inside people, people naturally hate what is foreign, that is not permanent and it can be easily altered.

For example have you seen those instances where basically you have chickens raising ducks or one bird raising the kids of other birds. It is possible for 1 race of people to embrace another race, almost entirely, even biologically, not just intelectually.

So when you put a lot of kids together in a kindengarten who come from different ethnicities or different races, it is possible for them to bond together and treat eachother as 1 tribe or 1 group of allies.

There is nothing in biology that is preventing racial mixing. In fact it might even be encouraged biologically since the bigger and more rich the gene pool is, the better offsprings you could make.

So people have been mixing naturally for thousands of years, and the only thing that really stood in it's way were silly religious customs.

I agree, people can be conditioned to accept or reject other races. It is not at all clear to what degree race blending is desirable. You mention that it might be biologically sound to race mix because of the rich gene pool. On one particular scale, that is true and reflects the mathematical underpinnings of diversity. However, if that behavior is looked at at a longer scale, and the behavior and resultant gene pool is allowed to reach homeostasis, the richness of the gene pool collapses into an indistinct average and diversity collapses with it.

A more robust diversity preserves and isolates a portion of each distinct branch while allowing additional diversity with some mixing. Each genetically distinct branch represents thousands to hundreds of thousands of years of vested evolution. Each branch may be best thought of as a resource for the human race that is a Darwinistic hedge against a particular set of catastrophe which only they hold the key to survival for. Policies or trends that diminish the maximum diversity , particularly that infringe on the distinctiveness of the sub-pools, are provably detrimental to the robustness of the gene pool in the long term.

Wiping out real diversity in service of multiculturalism is a poor trade to make its proponents feel like they are virtuous. Even if race-mixing via multiculturalism succeeds completely in its goal and a brown world is achieved, people will still kill people. Instead of skin color, it will be for a random reason like how they style their hair different.

The real problem is that the world is filling up and homogenizing. All of the personal and national identity crisisi that are boiling to the surface now are part of a complex instinct system that nature has provided us to counter over-homogenizing our gene and meme pools. We need good boundaries so we don't have to resort to bad boundaries like wars, hatred and killing. They must protect viable pools of distinctiveness while not encroaching on other pools.

There is some merit to how this fellow formulates the problem and solution:

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