Local Government is Evil too!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Many libertarians have a “Small Government” fetish, as in they realize that the “Big Daddy Government” is evil and doing very destructive things to society, but they are defending the “Little Sister Government” as a sacrosanct entity that can never do anything wrong, or at least it is much better compared to the big one. And if we can just have small Local Governments and not big one, then we would live in harmony.

Well I am here to disprove this ridiculous worldview, and I am going to illustrate that in certain cases the Local Government is much much worse than the national one.

The Local Government also called Town Hall or City Hall, in German it is called Rathaus, it is a rat house, where rats are living, bureau-rats to be precise.


It is actually a self-contained Government of it’s own because it has all the elements and attachments of the Central Government within it. It’s like a smaller version of the Central Government in and of itself.

So the Government is actually fractally organized, as you zoom in or zoom out, you see the same institutions repeating on all levels: police, hospitals, bureau-rat, etc….

So if you are a Small Government worshiper, then you might as well be a Big Government worshiper because it’s actually the same thing, as all the institutions are present on even the smaller level.


Now local taxes are usually low, because after you are extorted by massive amounts (up to 90% I the EU), obviously people don’t have as much money left for other expenses. So local taxes are usually low.

Like property taxes where I live are pretty cheap, of course this can’t be said for everyone, since if you live in a big city, it might be very high, but I live in the suburbs so I guess I am lucky.

But the Local Government has other ways to fund itself, basically through permits and fines.

Fines could range from 500 EUR to 5000 EUR and for businesses I have seen even up to 25000 EUR depending on what kind of contravention they have committed.

The average net income is like 1000 EUR, so if you get a 500 EUR fine for missing some papers, that is like a 50% tax. What is the difference between that and the income tax really?

If you get a 5000 EUR fine, then you are fucked, unless you have some savings, off to the jail you go slave!

So as you can see the Local Government has plenty of regulations, most of them impossible to follow so people will inevitably get fined eventually, so that becomes are pretty good source of revenue for them. It’s a pure extortion racket basically.

Regulations / Permits

All permits that apply to the local jurisdiction have to be sought from the Local Government. Usually the following:

  • Construction / Demolition / Renovation
  • Usage of Public Government Land (street shops, parking lots, concerts, protests, other events and festivals, etc…)
  • Local Business Permit (as in after you have registered your company at the business department, you still need the town hall’s permit to physically operate in that area)
  • Infrastructure / Water / Sewage / Electric Grid

And plenty of other areas are regulated by these bureau-rats. And make no mistake about it, it’s pretty Orwellian, especially if you live in the city.

Like I have heard that they are now fining people for growing vegetables in their houses:

Or when they fine people for collecting rain water:

Make no mistakes about it, same laws are in place in the EU as well, but this is still nothing compared to the tyranny I have heard about.

I was talking to a friend who had heard, basically from a construction attorney, that they are now literally fining people for hammering a pin into the wall without a permit.

Yes I am not joking, the regulation applies to all forms of house modification, especially the walls.

So if you want to put a pin into the wall to mount a fucking picture, you now need to ask for a permit for that.

I am not joking, this is literally the case, the regulation strictly forbids any form of modification of the walls, ranging from painting them or just inserting a fucking pin in it, doesn’t matter.

You need a permit for that now here, plus you literally need an architectural analysis which costs about 500 EUR for any kind of modification.

I am telling you, your average city in the EU starts to look now like a prison. In fact worse than a prison because, as I said in the other article, a prison is sometimes more comfortable than your 15 square meter shitty apartment that most people live in.

Agenda 2030

The Bureau Rats are desperate to recreate the conditions of the Warsaw Ghetto, because that is where we are heading to.

The Globalists have admitted that they are operating this “smart city” doctrine. Which basically means:

  • Surveillance cameras everywhere
  • City planners micro-manage everything (including what I wrote above)
  • Eminent Domain
  • No private property (basically you just become a renter not an owner)
  • Warsaw Ghetto - style oppression

Take a look at this for example:

It is obvious where this is headed, and it’s happening in Europe too. Tyranny is coming!

Warsaw Ghetto

The Warsaw Ghetto was the second most tragic and outrageously evil thing after Auschwitz, and it clearly showed the depth of human evil and tyranny in it’s clearest form.

It can’t be any more obvious how evil certain people are when they have committed these atrocities and inflicted unimaginable suffering and agony on a large group of completely innocent people, for nothing basically.

The Warsaw Ghetto had basically everything in it:

  • They have starved innocent people, including children
  • Massive police violence intimidating the starving population
  • Micro-regulation gone to the extreme (they basically confiscated even the toys from the little children and only allowed a few kids to play)
  • Burned all books and literature
  • Banned all forms of entertainment

Basically the Warsaw Ghetto population was reduced to total slavery, all activities were banned and the only thing they were allowed to do was to stare at the moldy walls with an empty stomach and pray that they don’t get sent to Auschwitz, because that was the endgame of it.

And every time the ghetto got full, they sent away the weak and the sick to Auschwitz, which was the end station basically.

More than 11,000,000 people perished, amongst them 6,000,000 Jews, and countless other innocent people.

The brutal barbaric atrocities that these beastly tyrants have inflicted on innocent people should have been the real eye-opener to people to totally oppose all forms of tyranny after that.

But it didn’t resonate with people, all the memorials are just window dressing, if people can’t realize the evil behind these events and to oppose it if any attempts like that were to happen in the future.

Globalist Agenda

The Globalist agenda is basically Nazism. Or at the very least it’s very similar to it, as the tyranny that these Globalists are planning will have the same end result as that of the Nazis.

The same micro-management is happening today. They don’t want anyone to have any control at all. They want to control everything down to the smallest thing in people’s personal lives.

They are literally destroying free will. Soon we will have to ask for a permit to breathe air, I am not joking, this is the magnitude of the oppression that these people are planning for us.

I mean literally the “security” industry is booming, so expect surveillance cameras everywhere now.

They are now adding cameras into newly built apartments:

They are literally recreating the Warsaw Ghetto right in before our eyes, except now it is global.

Every city will become a Nazi Ghetto, and every citizen a total slave to the Nazi Globalists.

So people are not learning for the utmost atrocities committed 70 years ago, they are literally praising them and re-creating them right before our eyes.


So really the tyranny coming from the local bureau-rats is just as much, if not more direct than that coming from above.

I mean when you get micro-managed like this, you don’t even have any control over your own house, and they are now moving in with even more regulations, then the totalitarian system is complete.

In the last 50 or so years we pretty much lost all control over the Public Government Land.

Like 50 years ago, you could see kids playing with the ball on the street or basically kids selling lemonade on the street.

That is now lost as lemonade stands are illegal (in EU too), and they have removed all sport fields from the city:

This was already well known that the outside world is now offlimits to the plebs. Now they are moving inside your house.

So you are now getting fined or go to jail for mounting a picture on your wall, or like having a fucking plant in a cup inside your bedroom.

This fucking Nazi tyranny has to stop, we are now all Warsaw Ghetto prisoners, it is insane with how much tyranny these bureau rats can get away with, and nobody calls them out for this, especially considering the dark history of Europe.

Do these people really want to recreate the total oppression which was done in Nazi Occupied Europe?

I hope people awaken to this impending Nazi tyranny before it’s too late.


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


Until the folks reject rule by force as legitimate, this is what we get.
It is up to those not sleeping to wake the misled.
If we dont hurry up much needless suffering will continue to increase.

Good post highlighting exactly how it's 'all gone a bit wrong'

The monkey sphere principle holds true - We are biologically built that way.

It is neither good nor bad, just the way it is.

And is the only rational model of local government.

People know each other, and are truly accountable.

There will always be some social structure or hierarchy.

(there is no historical precedent that I know of, where that hasn't been the case)

Local government as you describe in your post, are really extensions of big government systems and structures - i.e not local at all.

Well it's the same thing on all levels. If they have the budget, they can setup the same miniature institutions reflecting the bigger departments in the local area.

Yes a more democratic institution is definitely needed, where people have a direct say in what should and shouldn't be done.

But above all, the people should have the power of veto over all legislation.

It is getting ridiculous that it's almost like we are being governed by aliens, as in these bureau-rats have lost all touch with reality, and are living in a totally different world from the average person. And of course they are above the law, as always.

So they just keep pushing more and more orwellian laws, that they are not subject to it, and people are more and more enslaved, and have no means to push back against it.

It is getting ridiculous that it's almost like we are being governed by aliens, as in these bureau-rats have lost all touch with reality, and are living in a totally different world from the average person. And of course they are above the law, as always.

Couldnt have put it better myself!

It feels surreal, doesn't it?

It's totally normal, I find it hard to believe that it was anyhow different in the past.

The moment the bureaucracy got established, in the early middle ages, it was downhill from there.

well, I never, ever ever felt this feeling...until 9/11,since then it's been very different, slowly but tangibly changing

Great post, we pay already too many taxes that I do not believe anymore, most of what we paying, do not go for the real purpose of what is suppose to be. The best way is to learn, change the mindset and adopt a new way to see the world around us.

Usage of Public Government Land (street shops, parking lots, concerts, protests, other events and festivals, etc…)

Well, ou don't need to use it, right? It's the free market! Use it or not, your decision. It's their property, so they can do what they want with it, right?

Fun part away: How would you define government?

The irony is that they say that it's public land, which is misleading. If it were public land then it would be commonly owned.

It's actually government land, so yes in this paradigm, they own it, thus they make you ask for permission to use it first.

The problem is that the Government doesn't just end there, it goes further. Your body is also owned by the Government, so the tyranny goes further.

  • You can't put certain substances in your body, because it's not your body.
  • In most places suicide is illegal, since it's destruction of Government property isn't it?

Thus we can further extrapolate.

Your thoughts aren't yours either, it's owned by the Government. So if people think about something bad, that is a thought crime and they ought to be jailed for that.

So how far should this tyranny go in your opinion?

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