Is Open Borders Good?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


I have already talked about this issue, but I want to highlight it again, perhaps from a different perspective. As we all know this issue gets quite a lot of focus on the mainstream sources nowadays. This is partly due to the immigrant crisis in Europe, the endless Terrorism and other reasons.

So of course if we live in a good society, a peaceful civilized society, wouldn't it make sense to just close the castle gate when "the Mongols are coming"?

I mean we have already perfected the European way of life, we live in a decent society, crime rate is kind of low. But the "Mongols are coming" and they want to pillage everything, and cause harm to us. So it would be absolutely logical to just close the gate and fend off the besiegers and defend the castle against the horde of the invaders....


Well the problem is that there is no gate, and there are no walls. Europe, just the EU is a 4,475,757 km2 entity, with a massive border, mostly water based. So any immigrant can come with a boat on any part, they can parachute in, they can dig under, who knows....

So it's literally impossible to defend such a massive territory from small pockets of immigrants, like 20-30 coming on a boat, but constantly.

There will be no wall dumbasses! You can't build a wall around an entire continent. Well you could but it would be a very stupid idea.

What is Closed Border mean?

So what is actually a "Closed Border"? Well you can't build a wall around a continent, so it will actually be kind of an an active border instead of a passive one, or in other words it will be based on surveillance and harassment of citizens:

  • Mandatory ID laws (which is already in place in Europe, but who knows it might become a chip under your skin...)
  • CCTV cameras in all cities and biometric analysis of every citizen and putting them in a database
  • Military checkpoints with forced search of any citizen's belonging's, maybe even cavity search
  • Cashless society with tracked transactions, so that nobody can pay with cash, every illegal immigrant will instantly be identified
  • Surveillance of phone calls, e-mails, bugs in your home, and such...
  • Nazi Concentration Camps Detention Camps for illegal immigrants awaiting deportation, but in the meantime why not put them to forced labor?
  • Gestapo Nazis busting into your home at midnight and dragging you away for questioning and torture Lawful Deportation Enforcement agents legally entering a suspects home, detaining him and bringing him in for enhanced interrogation regarding his immigrant status.

...So Basically Closed Borders means a Nazi 4th Reich Police State

Well of course it means a Police State, what did you thought? It would be like the Great Chinese Wall, heck no. It would be more like Nazi Germany.

Literally it would be like Nazi Germany, with real Concentration Camps for immigrants waiting deportation, but they might put them to forced labor in the meantime or who knows what else worse....

So what is the solution?

Well first of all there are no "Mongols at the gate". It might be a stupid exaggeration coming from lunatic Right-Wing groups, White-Supremacists, Nationalists and Neo-Nazis.

I mean if I go to any Youtube channel talking about immigration, I only see Neo-Nazis there in the comments of people trying to deny the Holocaust and calling for a 2nd Holocaust.

So I am personally more worried about lunatic Neo-Nazis than immigrants.

Ok but what about the Terrorism? Well, it's not like the Neo-Nazis are not Terrorists as well:

So the Neo-Nazis are nothing better than the Jihadists, in fact they quite actually might be the same scourge, after all we should not forget how much Hitler was allied with Jihadists as well:


Palestinian Leader Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler talking about the Final Solution (November 28, 1941).
Source: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1987-004-09A / Heinrich Hoffmann / Wikimedia Commons via CC-BY-SA 3.0

So it looks like this violence is more political than anything else. I mean Europeans in general are peaceful, it's the foreigners that are coming in are the violent people. Not all of them, but mostly those that come from wartorn areas.

So maybe the solution is to actually fix the Middle East, the rough parts of Africa, the extreme poverty, who knows what makes these people think the way they do. I mean certainly the constant foreign interventions are not helping...

And then you have welfare immigrants that just come for the free stuff. Well that is not very productive for the people that actually get their money stolen from them.

So whatever the solution is, it's not the Closing of the Border and hence definitely not a Nazi Police State monitoring innocent citizens. It's actually the other problems that have to be fixed, so we can get around this issue entirely.


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Look it is not a problem of immigration it never was and never will be. The problem is the government who has to much power and wealth. The government is the one who funds the terrorists. Then after the terrorists have caused enough panic and mayhem the goverment tracks them down to look like the good guys when they are the ones behind the scenes. But before they can find the terrorists they need to add more security, aka oppressive laws, actions, and powers, that do nothing more than take money and time from you and gives it to, you guessed it, the government.
If things are not changed soon we will be nothing more than slaves living in tenement buildings. The PTB are the true enemy and if we are to blind to see that then maybe we do deserve our fate.

I would be in support of a borderless society, but it may just be a pipe dream as everybody in every country has a boogeyman. In Europe, it's the fear of Muslim extremists or the United States has its fear of Mexicans. Even here in Panama, people are afraid of criminals from Colombia and Venezuela entering the country.

People turn to the government to crack down on the trouble-making immigrants yet governments just use it as an excuse to take away our rights while doing jack shit about real criminals.

Exactly. So a borderless world is a must, and there should be alternative solutions to troublemaking immigrants.

Nice view on what closed borders means.

All of the problems that are blamed on open borders, are actually all govern-cement caused.

  • People fleeing a country, caused by govern-cement
  • People coming to a country for free stuff, caused by govern-cement
  • Terrorists are coming, caused by govern-cement and maybe religions
  • They are coming to take out jobs, caused by govern-cements
  • Their being these weird lines that only exist in the imagination, caused by govern-cements

I agree with you. The only way to have a borderless society would be to have a government free society.

  • Lock up anyone who is in charge and get them the mental help they need so badly.
  • Institutionalize psychopaths. There is a test for psychosis, it is called an election. Literally, anyone who thinks they are qualified, or even have the right to rule is batshit crazy.

There is a test for psychosis, it is called an election.

Hahaha that statement made my day. Indeed, it's pretty easy to spot violent people, but there is a big problem here, if we start locking up violent people then we have to get violent as well.

So you can't really put out the fire by pouring gasoline on it. It has to be an alternative solution.

True that, how about we designate a nice island for them. Call it politician paradise. Everybody gets to rule! Virtually.

  • Well most terrorists are state funded anyway by middle eastern dictatorships.

  • The welfare system is just a massive government crap.

  • And the job market problem? Heck, those government regulations and huge taxes are the cause of that.


Very interesting post I like it.

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