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RE: Most wealthy countries offer paid maternity leave and affordable child care, NOT the USA

in #politics6 years ago

The labor movement is in disarray and America is in decline .. they are looting the hen house but in a way it seems like a pothead scraping his pipe for resin .. they are scraping the bottom of the barrel and then they leave the country to burn. In any sane system, the value of children and education are recognized by TPTB, but as you state the USA has been coopted by corporate power and Wall Stret is all that matters. The bailout in 2007/2008 was the last chance and we should have allowed a correction after Lehmann Brothers fell .. let the chips fall where they may, that's free market capitalism after all. But no, they were given what, two trillion dollars or something, and they learned that they can always extort more. Too big too fail means we all go down in flames. Ugh ...

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