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RE: Theory of Consensus

in #politics7 years ago

Hahaha @profitgenerator, after carefully reading your entire article top to bottom, now I have no doubts whatsoever that humanity fate will be.. entering into a never ending Mitosis process where each one and everyone of us will remain at 90% or even 100% of full Freedom & Democracy like the following pic below. LoL


So basically you are sayig that 2 people are incapable of reaching consensus on basic issues, therefore we are ought to be ruled over by tyrants for eternity?

There is already anarchy in the family (unless it's an abusive family) and in romantic relationships (unless it's abusive). So there is no reason why it can't scale up.

So basically you are sayig that 2 people are incapable of reaching consensus on basic issues, therefore we are ought to be ruled over by tyrants for eternity?

¡No! what I am articulately saying with that Pic is: "We are going to be ruled over only by the tyranny of our own mind projected shadows ¡For Ever Alone!

I dont even know what you mean by that. I am literally saying in the post above that we are capable of consensus, so there is no individualism if humans are capable of teamwork, which they are. But if they are not then individualism is the backup plan.

I can easily cooperate with any person I meet, but if cooperation is not possible for some reason, then we just go our own separate ways. It's that simple.

Exactly!! reach consensus will be always a so so possibility at very very low amounts/percentages of individuals participation for any collective plan or project. But steadily reach 90% or more of consensus when we are talking about those High Levels of individuals participation surpassing the boundaries of the number of members in an usual/regular family... I have no doubt you will be on your way to becoming a lone ringleader in a snap. ;)

Acutally that is not true, Nash demonstrated scientifically that cooperating in groups is more socially and economically advantageous.

Which proves that consensus is possible, not only possible, but we should strive to reach it. Again breaking off from a group is only as a last resort, and usually you are the one who is punished for it, since it economically disadvantagous to break off.

So people are incentivized to work together, until they find an acceptable solution that most of them can agree to.

It's not that people need to find the solution immediately, but that they need to work until they find it.

For example if you want to buy a family house for 2 kids and a wife, you dont know what house they want, so you need to sit down and discuss it until it becomes acceptable for everyone. That is when consensus is reached.

And there are usually thing that most humans agree on, so reaching consensus in the million level scale is also possible.

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