Final Presidential Debate round up.

in #politics4 years ago


I have lowered my expectations for tonight's debate, but I'll give you my thoughts. So far Trump seems much more calm and poised and Biden seems more bumbling and stumbling.

Without further a do..

I really think Biden's whole approach in trying to hang every covid related death on Trump is desperate and despicable.


Trump is really missing a huge opportunity to make plain that if you took out the five worst democrat states where the governors forced Covid patients into nursing homes, we'd be the lowest death rate in the world.

He should have also made it plain that this is not hurting kids, there is no spreading amongst school children and only what was it 3? total deaths from college students so far.

The number of the people testing positive is increasing because we are doing more tests than any country in the world, but the number of people getting sick and dying from it are dropping precipitously. It's been low and keep getting lower. Many died initially, but we learn a lot and figured out how to cure people of it.

On funding and taking money

Biden emphatically says he's never taken a penny from any country. Of course he didn't. He has his crackhead son does it for him and kicks it up to the big guy.

"I made my fortune before I got into politics. Joe and his family got rich only once he got into politics."

Minimum Wage

Joe, if it is true that raising the minimum wage doesn't cost people their jobs or drive companies out of business, then why not raise the minimum wage to $45 per hour? Why not $150 per hour? Why not $1500?

I've run businesses. Many have been very successful, others have not. I know what competition is. I know how wealth is created. Joe thinks government can just wave a magic wand and make everyone rich. It's delusional.

I think Trump missed lots of opportunities and let himself get dragged into the weeds several times, and often acted like a bickering brat, but he had much better message discipline and came across better than last time. Biden looked like a guy who had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel but often surprisingly strung together a full statement. However, he bumbled so badly and told so many whoppers and also laid out plans that are plain crazy that I simply cannot understand how anyone could be voting for him. I can see why people are voting against Trump, but Biden is worse of a candidate than Dukakis and Mondale. He's an angry, senile, corrupt old buffoon, and proved it again tonight.

The takeaway is that Trump was Trump and got to tout his record. Biden denied reality and offered wild schemes that the slightest understanding of economics would explode as unrealistic at best and disastrous at worst. He was running wild in a world of his own chimeras.

I think most people understand that the the NGD would destroy us if implemented. Most people don't want to kill the oil business. Most people don't want their taxes raised or their businesses regulated more heavily. Most people don't want war with North Korea. Most people don't want a politician who's getting kickbacks from China. Most people don't want a government to run health care. Most people know Joe isn't a friend to blacks. Most people know he's been a joke his entire political career.

Most people know that the Dems, the press, and our intelligence agencies have spent the last four years trying to dig up dirt to oust Trump and haven't laid a glove on him. If Trump were a tenth as dirty as they say, they'd have turned up something. That they haven't is a yuge exoneration, frankly, of Trump.

Meanwhile, Biden is saying that his son's laptop is a Russian hoax. -Egregious, shameless, outrageous!

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