in #politics7 years ago

It would appear that anyone who experienced Martial Law and EDSA would already have an idea of what would happen if a RevGov is proclaimed. The difference in this case, and what is ultimately the most important determining factor is the WHO rather than the WHAT.
Both Marcos and Cory had political and personal interests in proclaiming ML and new Constitutions/provisional governments. Marcos had his agenda while Cory had no idea about what she was being advised to do.
In hindsight, it could be said that Marcos may have had good intentions and reason in the beginning but these were somehow diluted and tainted by political and personal ambitions/considerations/limitations as time went on. When he got sick, the machinations of those around him made things even worse.
Cory, on the other hand, was simply a front for the self-serving interests behind her, knowing nothing, just like Leni. And that is why both attempts to improve things failed so miserably.
The difference with PRRD is that at his age, he is not and cannot be influenced by ambition, hubris and material wealth considering how he has proved this all his life. Unlike any other politician, he is beholden to no one and is capable of doing everything he has to and wants to do. His past year in office is certainly undeniable proof of his motives, intentions and capability and there is no one on the horizon or even in the history of the Philippines who seems close.
Questions about the wisdom of RevGov and doubts about how it would be implemented only imply that one doubts that PRRD knows what he is doing or will not be likely to do the right thing.
My question is: So exactly what has he done makes you doubt him? To put it another way, exactly what have his detractors EVER DONE to make you give even the slightest credence to their dubious claims?
Does a pozo negro cleaner enjoy his job or even get paid enough for you to want to do it yourself? Should he have to explain or justify everything he needs to do and do it in a manner that you would do yourself ? Would it not be enough for you to know that he is a skilled and conscientious pozo negro cleaner who will do the best job he can without ripping you off?
What we do not know or have competence in is better left to those whom we KNOW and TRUST who CAN and WILL do the job properly. UNLESS we can TRUST them to do so, it is pointless to have them do it.
If we are ignorant in some matter, can we really decide who is competent or not even if they explain it to us in detail? How do we know if they are not simply taking advantage of our ignorance?
The answer is really quite simple. ONLY by what they have done in the past, isn't it? That is the ONLY measure we need to judge the President and the only one that really matters.

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