Ending the War on Drugs & Ending the War on Terror

in #politics6 years ago

Ending the War on Drugs would have the following positive consequences:

  • undermine and help destroy violent cartels and drug gangs
  • refocus policing staff and resources
  • free up court resources
  • drastically reduce incarceration rates
  • being able to address addiction medically
  • allow veterans & other patients access to marijuana & psychedelics
  • halt CIA and other intel agencies from using drugs to fund black ops
  • allow more scientific research into actual costs and benefits of these substances

Ending the War on Terror and relegating our military to a defensive role would have the following positive consequences:

  • Freeing up funds and resources for public oriented initiatives (e.g. Medicare for All, student debt forgiveness, infrastructure, education, etc.)
  • Reforming our image in nations who see us as hostile aggressors
  • Lessen recruiting capacity and power of radical groups
  • Lessen the amount of wounded and dead military service members
  • Deflate rising Cold War tensions
  • Creates new opportunities for diplomacy

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