The Left/Right Mindset & The Pendulum Of Authoritarianism (The Left)

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

A new era of authoritarianism

Clarification & Observation

Firstly just to clarify I’m neither left nor right, I find it to be a false dichotomy and as such have freed myself from the constraints and idealism of both ideologies. I will add that the upper echelons of the power structure are also neither left nor right. They simply use the division as a way of implementing greater power and control, idealsim is used against us. I have no axes to grind I simply tell it how it is, well how I see it anyway.

With reference to this post I have many friends on the left wing of politics and they (along with many politicians) are often good people that simply want a fairer and more balanced world. The benefit of being an observer is the ability to look at this subject dispassionately and objectively. It’s whilst doing this that I can see a creeping tide of authoritarianism and reverse fascism amongst the self perceived moral and intellectual high ground that many within this movement seem to be signalling.

Does this mean the right wing are perfect? Certainly not! Indeed the Tory government in my country are vultures of the highest order, using the protection of children and the vulnerable as a way of gaining more and more power. It’s just a shame their policies never seem to match these concerns, but I shall save this for another day.


Unseen Authoritarianism

There is something insidious about this creeping left wing authoritarianism for in many ways it appeals to our better nature and our compassion. Western society has been (justifiably) indoctrinated to hate the far right, but have not been educated to fully comprehend the fact that the far left has an equal (if not greater) amount of pain, bloodshed and suffering woven into it’s very ideology.

In my understanding of the cyclical nature of reality and indeed the pendulum of authoritarianism I don’t feel the next wave of control will rise from the fear politics of the right, it’s too easy and we all know the signs. We have been schooled and trained to spot these signals a mile off. But as I alluded to above the vast majority remain uneducated as to the atrocities committed and indeed the methods used by the left. Is this an accident or has the door been deliberately left open for the next swing of the pendulum of authoritarianism?


Does this sound crazy to you? Well look at the points below.


The anti-fascist group Antifa (and this is just one of many) have become so self-righteous in their perceived moral superiority they now feel entirely justified to use violence against those with whom they disagree. They go on violent and destructive rampages at the mere mention of someone with an opposing view. They have become so entrenched in their idealism that their fight against fascism is quickly turning them into fascists, brown shirts and thought police all rolled into one. The video below was taken at the G20 in Hamburg, the anger of Antifa and the black shirts was turned against many ordinary law abiding people simply trying to go about their daily business. The mere whisper of people being right wing was enough for them to be dragged out of the crowd, viciously beaten and in some cases hospitalised. Antifa are a highly organised and highly funded extreme political movement and they are backed by some serious money! One day I will follow the money trail for I feel it may surprise many.

Media Complicity

On CNN the G20 protests have been touted as peaceful! the media has become so left wing they fail in their duty to report such incidents. My own media has been reporting that Merkal allowed these protests as an expression of free speech, this is complete and utter rubbish! As I will show later on in my post the German authorities are clamping down on free speech like no other country in Europe.

Cognitive Dissonance & Reverse Racism

Look at the progressive, liberal and leftist mindset regarding those with an opposing view. Look at the generalisations they so readily hand down, Dumb, Stupid, Brexshitters, Red necks, Right wingers. Now change those names to racial stereotypes and you will see they have exactly the same generalised mindset as the racist they purport to hate! Coupled with the stereotypes and indeed hatred many are signalling towards white males and you have the archetypal mindset of the racist. They are two heads on the same coin, a coin of division. The scariest thing about the mindset of some of these people is the complete inability to think objectively, the inability to reflect upon or criticise any aspect of their idealism.

German Censorship

In light of Merkel's recent G20 freedom of speech pronoucement I thought I would take a brief look at the current state of German freedom of speech. The German justice minster Heiko Maas last year launched a bid to crackdown on those voicing "hate speech" and xenophobia. To aid him in acheiving this goal Maas sought the help of an organisation called network against Nazi's (NAN), all good so far for everyone hates a Nazi! The trouble is this organisation works alongside the Amaedu Antonio Foundation, which is run by Anetta Kahane who previously worked for the Stasi! anyone see a conflict of interest here?


Another problem is the broad definition of hate speech and what consitutes a Nazi, indeed the German authorities have raided the homes of many that simply voice concerns regarding the Governments open door migration policy. The German Government intends to fine Social Media platforms up to 50 million euro's for failure to remove hate speech, and curb fake news. I feel this has the potential to infringe upon free speech as it lacks a cohesive definition of illegal content. Indeed it seems that in many ways they simply do not want to clearly define these boundaries.

Self Censorship

Ban this, ban that, flag this, flag that, stop him/her from speaking, I’m offended shut him up! It started with the left/liberal leaning social media sites i.e Facebook/Twitter and now people are actually starting to censor not only themselves but others around them. It seems that not a day goes by (and they should know me better) without my left leaning friends sending me a petition to ban Nigel Farage, ban Katie Hopkins or ban certain newspaper publications they don't like.

So I will say now what I say to them “if you don’t like the points people are making then make better ones, beat them with ideas”. I don’t happen to like a few of the points some people make either, but I’ll fight until my dying breath for them to have a platform to say them. It’s free speech for fuck sake! People have bled rivers of blood to give us this voice and now you want to give it away because you don’t like what certain people are saying?? Wake up man, if you want to live in a country where everyone thinks the same then move to North Korea! It seems to me that many on the left are seeking diversity in every avenue of life, apart from thought?

For me this video is veritas.


Like I’ve already said the majority of the left, liberals and progressives are good people. But what they fail to realise is that we are in the middle of a military grade propaganda campaign. The idealism of many is being weaponised and used against us as tools of division. They also fail to recognise or call out a growing tide of extremism and authoritarianism that's beginning to pervade the very ideology of the left. If you use a black and white idealistic worldview to understand the machinations of a world of illusion you are never going to see beyond the smoke and mirrors that are blinding many otherwise good people.

There will be people reading this that completely disagree and that absolutely fine, I have no problem with disagreement it's healthy, it's how we learn and grow and I respect all opinions and thoughts. The problem with the echo chambers of modern society and social media, is the fact that if everyone is right then who is wrong?
Thanks for reading.

Written by perceptualflaws
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That's is a great post my man. The left seem to be out of control all over the world, just look at the US right now. The left wouldn't accept the fascist criminal they put up for selection lost to Trump so they started rioting.
Almost all genocides have come from the left side of the political spectrum. Like you I despise them all. Anyone who craves the power of government shouldn't ever be allowed to run for it. They're generally sociapathic scum.
Rant over 😂😂 great work keep it up buddy.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. They certainly do @tremendospercy The sense of entitlement and self perceived moral high-ground has the potential to become dangerous (I feel). At the end of the day whether left or right at both extremes it's all about gaining control, I happen to like controlling my own life and thoughts thank you very much. :D

To aid him in acheiving this goal Maas sought the help of an orgnaisation called network against Nazi's (NAN), all good so far for everyone hates a Nazi! The trouble is this organisation works alongside the Amaedu Antonio Foundation, which is run by Anetta Kahane who previously worked for the Stasi! anyone see a conflict of interest here?

Absolutely. Clear as a cold crisp morning. Its interesting that no matter what rabbit hole you are looking down-There is always a 'foundation' on the other end....I think everyone was wrong to worry all about corporations honestly! I have found more nefarious actions within those foundations than corporations could dream of....And that is saying something......

@ancientmystique I couldn't agree more my friend, either a foundation or a think tank (although the two are often interchangeable). Thank you for taking the time to both read and comment, it's greatly appreciated.

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