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RE: Political and economic ideologies are almost useless if not practiced

in #politics8 years ago

For me it's like biological evolution. there are some pressures for and some against, and if they act for long enough, some small changes are made. Occasionally, there is a revolution. Not worldwide revolution, just a localised revolution, that probably causes changes outside the locality, but these don't last. Communism and Capitalism are both imperfect systems it seems, but we just keep on evolving. Maybe the underground forces can't be seen over a lifetime but over many generations.


The hindsight of seeing the timeline evolve over a longer period is definitely a plus.

I'm quite interested on how capitalism and communism will adjust ideologically as they are approaching their "end-of-life" date.

If Artificial Intelligence starts to dominate the workforce in the decades ahead, the capitalist model of worker=consumer starts to crumble because the worker=consumer no longer exists to recycle the money.

The socialist/communist model of worker=essential for the production of added value, also starts to crumble because the worker is now useless. will be interesting to see how they evolve or what will come out of this.

Very good point. Actually, it will be interesting (to say the least) to see what happens, period, when the robots take over. Personally, I fear that we will all move towards police states, where the long described 'Big Brother' scenario ensues. Hope I'm wrong. Perhaps the main, opposing forces will be freedom and oppression, so we'll have libertarianisms springing up all over the world?

Oooor, they can spin it as "safety" vs "danger" to suppress freedom - as they've been doing for the last 15 years... so if you are against "safety", you may be a ...terrorist.

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