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RE: “I am anti-freedom.”

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

He does when he decides to cross my property, take my tax money, or try to influence the government or laws affecting me.

Who is trying to cross your property here? Who is trying to take your tax money or influence government? Besides, shouldn't you be more concerned about who is taking your money, rather than what they do with it once it is taken from you?

You are an admitted illegal alien, sneakily trying to convince readers that it is normal and natural to disregard a countries immigration laws... If you sneak into my country illegally what assurance do I have that you won't disregard all the other laws meant to protect society?

I'm not sneakily trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm very upfront in saying that that it is normal and natural to disregard laws, as long as they are unjust.

You don't have any assurance that anybody is going to follow laws, whether they are born in your country or walk across some imaginary line. But being willing to walk across an imaginary line is no signal of intention to injure or steal from others, though you might imagine it is.

Immigrate legally or get out.

Why? What business is it of yours?

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