The illusion of patriotism and how it’s used against us.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


You are being manipulated though the false sense of pride in your country. Patriotism is nothing but tapping into our tribal nature and using that to gain support for the government. The government does not represent the people it is their for itself, the kleptocrats, and corporations it represents. This false sense of pride allows those in power to manipulate the masses into supporting their agenda which almost never benefit the masses. The USA has quickly been dropping on the freedom index, and its citizens are quickly becoming aware of just how terrible the country and its leaders actually are. We worship our military like trained monkeys after they spend millions on massive PR campaigns. They play us like fiddles because being a good person means love of God, Country, Family… everyone knows that.

There are many different techniques used to create patriotism. The flags, the songs, the relentless indoctrination in schools starting as soon as you get there. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…. At sporting events, now all stand take of your hats, and prepare yourself for your indoctrination, look at these brave men and woman that we sent to foreign countries to die, get wounded, or permanently disabled so the lobbyist funded government officials could get elected (and then get a multi million dollar “consulting” job when they leave office) then the companies lobbing these kleptocrats add a few extra billion dollars on their bottom lines this quarter, and the CEOs get a nice fat bonus (some of which goes back to political campaigns and the cycle repeats). Everybody wins... well almost everyone...

Meanwhile, our young men are brainwashed into doing the patriotic thing and joining the military only to realize later that they were manipulated and killed for reasons very different than they were told. The guilt of which drives record numbers to suicide. The young men and woman that do not get sucked into the military end up going to college to get meaningless degrees (and a few more years of indoctrination usually into much more sinister regressive ideas that pits them against their best interests) using government backed loans that can never be discharged in bankruptcy, ensuring they never have a chance at being anything but a debt slave.

The government funds, trains, and arms “terrorists” to do its bidding, at the same time at home condemning these “terrorists” and using them as an excuse to take your freedoms away. Problem, reaction, solution… create the problem, react to it, then push the solution down everyone’s throat. The terrorism boogieman is the gift that keeps on giving. Meanwhile, we totally destabilize country after country and allow the “radicals” we created to gain power. Then we have one side demonize the religion of the “terrorists” while the other praises it, creating a false dichotomy that everyone rushes to take a side. The truth is Islam is no better or worse than any of the other desert religions it is just that in the west those that control things are able to push their narrative to achieve their goals (none of which benefit the citizens).

When they are not busy doing all of this they are busy attacking citizens for victimless crimes that the politicians and "elites" are far more guilty of than the average citizen, feeding the prison industrial complex and ruining millions of lives in the process.

It’s time we stop this brainwashing and realize that the government is not benevolent and should not be worshiped. We have more people in prison than the Russians or China, start war after war and destabilize country after country around the world. It is time we withdraw our consent from this corrupt juggernaut and return our loyalty to our fellow citizens. This means living a simple life, abandoning consumerism, learning skills and making only enough to support your and your family, making under the legal limit where you don’t pay taxes, and stop supporting the large companies that don’t have your interests in mind. This is the only way to change the system, cut off support for it and starve it of money.

Thanks for reading :)



right on bro, I think we are breaking away from this now slowly, the borders are arbitrary and the objectives are(usually) the same

Well to a point, but as long as there are other people out there that feel like they can take over your little chunk of rock they will be necessary to protect your home.

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