How deep does the corruption at the FBI go?

in #politics6 years ago

 The completed FISA application would go up for approval through the FBI chain of command, including:

  • a Supervisor, 
  • the Chief Division Counsel (the highest lawyer within that FBI field office), and finally, 
  • the Special Agent in Charge of the field office, 
  • before making its way to FBI Headquarters to get approval by (at least) the Unit-level Supervisor there. 
  •  a special FISA Unit (with a unit chief and six staffers), has a tracking system that connects field offices, headquarters, the National Security Law Branch and the Office of Intelligence, allowing participants to track the process during each stage. 
  •  the FBI requires field offices to confirm they have  verified the accuracy of facts presented to the court through the case agent, the field office’s Chief Division Counsel and the Special Agent in Charge. 
  •  The FBI director ordered that any issue as to whether a FISA application was factually sufficient was to be brought to his attention. Personally. 

The FISA application then travels to the Justice Department where attorneys from the National Security Division:

  • comb through the application to verify all the assertions made in it.
  • if anything looks unsubstantiated, the application is sent back to the FBI to provide additional evidentiary support
  • this game of bureaucratic chutes and ladders continues until DOJ is satisfied that the facts in the FISA application can both be corroborated and meet the legal standards for the court.  
  • when the FBI has presents inaccuracies to the FISA court, it’s been viewed so seriously that it’s drawn the attention of the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility, which investigates Justice Department attorneys accused of misconduct or crimes in their professional functions. 

This information has come from articles written by a former FBI counterintelligence agent, Asha Rangappaand,  and Sharyl Attkisson (host of “Full Measure”) in an article published on The Hill

Now add up all the people involved in the process to submit a FISA application. (I ran out of fingers and toes). 4 applications were filed, so that is even more people.

Both the FBI and the DOJ parts of the process require the facts/assertions included in the FISA application to be verified.  

Yet former FBI Director James Comey testified that the "Dossier" that formed part of the FISA applications was both "salacious and unverified".

One could also ask, how many people has the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility taken action against given the FBI director has said the Dossier was unverified when verification is a requirement by both FBI and DOJ procedures?

Prior to reading these articles, I was taking comfort in the fact that there was just a few rotten apples at the DOJ and FBI that need to be cleaned out - but now I see how many people are involved to submit a FISA application, I am wondering if this corruption is systemic.

It is time to hold people accountable so we can start to trust the FBI and DOJ again. 


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Thanks for reading my post

give me yur voice. please

What scares me the most the power these unelected officials have over our government.You think you elect a different President,but the same power dictates from the background.

It would take a brave public servant to cross these people - they risk having their careers stalled or even frozen. We need better protection for whistle blowers and a better process to get rid of rotten apples. Otherwise these unelected officials causing the problems are not going anywhere. Very scary.

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