DOJ & FBI - Protecting the institutions

in #politics6 years ago

As #ReleaseTheMemo is being debated, many people are arguing the memo should not be released as it would undermine the public's faith in government institutions like the DOJ and the FBI.

I strongly believe in the importance of the DOJ and the FBI and want to see them effective and both trusted and respected.

But here is the thing.

Most people no longer have faith in many of the people who hold positions of influence in the DOJ and FBI. This distrust probably extends beyond the leadership and into the upper echelons. Rank and file FBI agents still have a lot of support from the public and rightly so. But the public is sickened by the actions of some influential people in the FBI and DOJ. 

There is an old saying about a rotten apple and unfortunately there are a few rotten apples in the DOJ and FBI.

So if you want to protect the institutions of government - then those rotten apples have to be removed from the DOJ and FBI and punished appropriately. That is step one.

Step two is more disclosure and transparency to give the public the opportunity to rebuild their trust in the FBI and DOJ. Submit to oversight by congress instead of fighting and obstructing it - they are our representatives keeping an eye on things. When you hide info and documents from them - the public ask why.

It is important to see that those fighting congressional oversight are not fighting to protect the institutions of the DOJ and FBI . No, they are fighting to protect their own hides. They hope by wrapping themselves in the flags of the DOJ and FBI their wrongdoing and incompetence  will not be exposed and they will escape the punishment they deserve.

They are acting in their own self interest - not in the public's interest.


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