Does Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller have a political bias? (Part Six)

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Having taken a look at the investigation into the IRS targeting of conservatives,  I thought we might jump forward to the current Russia Collusion investigation to see if we can see any signs of political bias.

First, we need to be clear that this investigation is still underway so we cannot say with certainty what Mueller will end up doing, but this quote from Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a nonprofit government watchdog group, caught my eyes:

“One, I don’t think that Bob Mueller is investigating Podesta as deeply as he’s investigating Manafort. We haven’t seen a raid,” Boehm said. “And two, it’s not against the law to represent sleazeballs. In Washington, it’s a growth industry. Sometimes foreign sleazeballs have more money, because they’re leaders of countries.”

Podesta leans democrat and Manafort was Trump's prior campaign chairman. Why would Mueller investigate one more deeply then the other?

Politico reports:

"Podesta has long been a larger than life figure on K Street, growing his business from a boutique firm into a massive lobbying and public relations operation. He is well known for his flashy dressing, vast art collection, generous campaign donations across all levels of Democratic politics and, of course, for his brother John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman."

The New York Times reports:

"By President Obama’s second year in office, domestic lobbying revenues for the Podesta Group had risen to more than $29 million"

So what did Podesta have to do with the Russia Collusion investigation? CNN explains it this way:

"The Podesta Group, along with Manafort's firm, were tasked with leading an PR effort on behalf of a group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine.
The ECFMU was a non-profit group whose true goal was allegedly to soften the Obama administration's opposition to the pro-Russian Ukrainian government in power at the time. The Podesta Group, along with Manafort's firm, were tasked with leading that effort on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. 
The Podesta Group didn't properly file disclosure forms detailing the 32 meetings it had with government officials at the State Department and the Vice President's office on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, according to CNN reporting."

The New York Times reports:

"the Podesta Group, to win support for the agenda of Viktor F. Yanukovych, the Russia-aligned former president of Ukraine, were cited in an indictment handed down last month against two former campaign aides to Mr. Trump, Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, who arranged the Ukrainian lobbying work."

Newsweek said Mueller's investigation was:

"looking into whether the Podesta Group may have violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which requires people or companies that lobby on behalf of foreign governments or political parties to file disclosures with the Justice Department
 "People who willfully neglect to register as foreign agents can face up to five years in prison."

It seems like Podesta was a frequent flyer when it comes to possible FARA violations because The Daily Caller reported:

" Tony Podesta’s lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, represented the Russian-owned company Uranium One during former President Barack Obama’s administration and did not register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined.Podesta collected lobbying fees of $180,000 from Uranium One, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, that discloses lobbying documents filed with Congress. The uranium company states on its web site it is a “wholly owned subsidiary” of RUSANO, the Russian State Corporation for Nuclear Energy."

Since Manafort was charged under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for activities Podesta was also involved in - if their was no political bias, then I would expect to see Podesta charged as well - all things being equal. We cannot make judgement on this yet simply because the Russia Collusion investigation is still underway - charges may come yet.


Looks likes there were lots of people who were not registered under the Foriegn Agents Registration Act.

Manafort (Republican) was charged but Podesta (Democrat) still not. Why not?

good information very detailed, I do not think very well because I am not updated with the current European information. but your article is well written

Thanks for your kind words.

I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on it.

Glad to see Putin’s friends on Steemit.

I visited Russia and several other communist countries when I was young. As far as I know, I never met Putin but I did witness:

  • the corruption rampant in communist states
  • the way citizens live in fear in police states
  • the feeling of powerlessness and defenselessness of the citizens of communist states
  • the queues lining up for basics like bread in communist states
  • the absolute poverty of citizens in communist states
  • the way communist states imprison their own citizens within their borders
  • the denial of free speech in communist states

It astounds me that many who accuse others of being "Putin's friend" are in fact trying to cover up the potential:

  • spying by the government on its own citizens
  • use of government departments against political opponents
  • government departments withholding information from the people's representative (congress) who are supposed to be providing oversight
  • bribery of those in power
  • etc.

I could go on - but suffice to say, I would encourage you to think for yourself before you parrot a political slogan.

All of that is fascinating, but the fact is YOU have a bias towards Mueller which is apparent by your willingness to speculate about his intentions, when the investigation is far from over and in reality, no one in the public will likely ever have all the facts. As for trusting Mueller or the federal government in general, I certainly do not. So your insinuations about someone "parroting a political slogan" are not only non sequitur (or else, show me the slogan I repeated?), but they also have no justification. And whether Mueller or the government itself is corrupt and problematic (I'm sure they are) in no way is an automatic exoneration of Trump or Putin. It is entirely possible to catch and prosecute corrupt people by using OTHER corrupt people to do so. So to invest so much time and effort attempting to tar Mueller as biased when all the facts are not and likely will never be known only reveals that you yourself are biased against Mueller. In politics, whenever we see bias, we automatically can derive the motivation by looking at its opposite; if you are attacking Mueller, you can only be doing so with the intention of defending Trump and/or Putin. Personally I don't blame Putin for playing the cards he's dealt; it's sorta his job. But to the extent that Trump colluded with Putin, he was either a witting or unwitting accomplice, either of which should put him in jail.

Great point - I have been looking for examples where Mueller appeared to favor Republicans over Democrats, but am coming up short.

If you know of examples and can share links to stories about them - I would love to look at them and include them in my analysis as appropriate.

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