Pamela Geller Truth Telling Destroys Linda Sarsour's Lies

in #politics7 years ago

In Breitbart today, Islam expert Pamela Geller totally disassembles Linda Sarsour's dishonest and manipulative tirades against Western civilization and her prevocative call for Jihad. Linda Sarsour is advocating and calling for political violence, and the biased leftwing media aid her.

Pamella Geller rightfully calls out both the media and Linda Sarsour:

There are no passages in the Quran that speak to a spiritual jihad. But there are hundreds calling for holy war. Still, Islamic supremacists such as Sarsour know they can count on the media elites to do their heavy lifting. That the Washington Post would allow Sarsour to deceive, dissemble and disarm the American people against what is the gravest threat to our freedom clearly demonstrates why we are in the terrible state we find ourselves in. And it also shows why Donald Trump was elected President last year, in a triumph the left still cannot get over or accept.

Full story is here.

The Koran is full of hatred and bigotry. Islam is a toxic doctrine which is intolerant of all other religions and political systems. Islam is the biggest threat to free society!



islam is a curse.. it's misogynistic rapist terrorist cult.. allah-who-fuck-boar.

people must stop political correctness & start criticizing islam & ban it altogether..

start by banning koran

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