The Party's (Hopefully) Last Stand - Part I

in #politics6 years ago


Today's news is inundated with articles on how the democrats are coming out the woodwork to make know their displeasure with the Helsinki Summit. Not to belabor the point, this post will not address each and every one of these politicians that are (hopefully) making their last stand to save their farce of a party.

The democrats are the epitome of a failed party and the republican party is not far behind. It has been expounded that the two party system is a game to make the unaware voter think they actually have a choice, in reality there is no choice. This is not the 'Matrix' red pill or blue pill, it is just the red pill as you can not opt out of the political matrix. The only way to begin to unfurl the deception is by voting all of them out and resetting the system.

This recent alacrity of attacks on Trump's statement during the summit, shows the desperation of the democrats to try to regain some modicum of control over their base. Their base has been experiencing attacks from their base - check out #WalkAway. In an effort to save the dwindling base, the democrat leadership has come out on the offensive to attack Trump or members of his party for any reason. Have you heard how Trump's spokesperson was refused service in a restaurant and how that was blown out of proportion by a crazed California democratic member? The member was so off the wall that even members of her own party tried to distance themselves from her.

The DNC was severely decimated when all the corruption was revealed that they summarily dismissed also ran Sanders for Clinton, then they tried to submarine their opponent by some inaccurate expose of Trump entertaining some lady of the night to urinate on a bed. Isn't ironic that now they are so offended by Trump vindication of the Russians. I concur that Trump may have found a more appropriate method of exposing this fact, although the FBI and the CIA are not totally blameless in this fiasco.

It is incomprehensible that the democrats are hanging the future on pushing Hillary for 2020 or possible Bernie with Warren. Mostly Bernie must be some kind nut to get involved with the democrats after they edged him out during the last election, but I guess him getting a nice mansion was payment enough. Now the new generation of future democrat are starting off with a bang, I'm speaking of Ocasio-Cortez. She just dissed the Israel's on occupying Palestine, when she was asked what she meant she replied she is not an expert at geopolitics. I see her as another Pelosi in the making.

The present political systems of the US have been proven to be infiltrated and in regards to its actual purpose of giving the voters a choice, both major parties have been shown to have failed miserably. It is futile to believe there is a solution at hand, we have created this debacle over years and it will be some time for a viable system to be established.

The initial step is to become more cognizant of what the elected are doing and hold their feet to the fire when they step outside of the law. The high and mighty are just like the average citizen and their legal rights should not be any different from that of the average citizen.

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