Criminal Referral Issued

in #politics6 years ago


Although based on past history, this will be another failed attempt but eleven GOP members of Congress have sent a letter to the attorney general asking for an investigation of Comey, Clinton, McCabe, Lynch, Strzok and Page. This maybe another case that the attorney general will opted to recuse himself from.

Regarding Comey, they specify obstruction, perjury, corruption, stealing public property, improper handling of defense information, unauthorized removal of classified documents and false statements. They question his decision to not seek charges against Clinton's misconduct, his leaking of confidential memos to the press, his circulating a draft of the FBI's decision to exonerate Clinton for mishandling classified information before the agency had interviewed key witnesses and material inconsistencies between Comey's statements when he was the director of the FBI and the information in the Justice Department documents regarding the FBI's relationship with Steele.

In regards to Clinton, they request that the contributions and donations by foreign nationals be investigated. Why did a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC pay Fusion GPS to conduct research involving the Steele dossier.

Regarding Lynch they cite her alleged acts of obstruction and corruption. They cite her decision to threaten the FBI informant whom tried to come forward with information regarding the uranium one deal.

Regarding McCabe they point out his false statements, perjury and obstruction. They are referring to his 'lack of candor' while under oath during the internal Clinton investigation.

Regarding Strzok and Page they cite obstruction and corruption. This is in reference to their interference in the Clinton investigation with regards to her use of a personal email server, which supposedly Obama knew nothing about.

There is more specific details outlined in the letter. For your perusal and reading pleasure, here is a copy of the letter.


As previously noted, this action maybe for naught but it may serve to make some of the public whom are on the fence about the honesty and veracity of public official see the light.

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