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RE: Racism and slander against Kurds on steemit

in #politics7 years ago

You have no problem bashing Israel for supporting(or being the cause of) the de-stabilization of Syria, yet when Syria's DECADES LONG destabilization of Lebanon and Israel are brought up you go silent.
If you are talking about an attack on you personally that has nothing to do with me.
Maybe now you will answer me. Does the government of Syria bear any responsibility for the mess the country is in? After attacking and being in a state of war with Israel since that country's inception is it appropriate to play the victim now that you(Syria) are losing the decades long war You started?!?
When you criticize the clerical-fascism of the Islamists, I agree.....
but when you support the national-socialist(and arab supremacist ) Baath party of Syria I must disagree.
You talk of the plans of "Zionists" and their plans for world domination yet nary a word about the Arabist plans for world domination.
I don't see how this article differs from your articles except in which side of the argument you are on.


"I don't see how this article differs from your articles except in which side of the argument you are on."

So let me get this straight, you can't see how this post (which is clearly slander and libel), is different than my articles, and yet you feel entitled to get a response from me for your question? You must not realize how disrespectful you appear right now.

You must not realize how disrespectful you appear right now.
😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

When you slander and libel Kurds and Israeli's do you realize how disrespectful you appear?
Thank you for your silliness I'll be laughing all day about that one.

You really are pathetic.. and I didn't add those laughing faces you did.

and I'm still laughing, don't care what you think of me, and I laugh at you for insulting me instead of

answering the question

That's pathetic.

Also, clearly you do know what is going on here..

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Does a good job critiquing @sarahabed information warrior for the Syrian government.

I do not work for the Syrian government, nor am I a mouth piece for them.. so your assumption is completely unwarranted.

That is my opinion of your content and bias, the Syrian government should pay you.
You do a great job.

Still no answer to my question?

Destabilization of Lebanon?..Does that make you angry because you see it as competition to Israeli designs? As far as playing the victim, I'm afraid the Jews have a sizeable majority share of that dynamic..going much further back than the establishment of the Jewish state. It's part of their much so that proverbs have been created over it lol. I'm merely positing here..but MAYBE...if Israel hadn't been born from ethnic cleansing and terrorism, they MIGHT possibly have received a less hostile response from their neighbors..just sayin..I'm just thinking out loud here you understand..But mostly what I really wanna hear is you outline the "Arabist plans for world domination" because that is some A-list comedy material there..

Whose angry? Not me. Just pointing out the hilariousness of criticizing Israel or "Zionists" for behaving the way the country being defended(Syria) has acted for DECADES.

I'll get back to you with more A-list comedy, you can wait, you've waited since August to use this shell account.

How do you feel about Pakistan?

You don't answer questions either?

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