Are We Really Governed by Self-Serving Megalomaniacs and Tyrants? Or is that just a paranoid conspiracy theory?

in #politics7 years ago

An objective look at politics and conspiracy facts...

My spiritual beliefs are each to their own, live and let live. However compassion cannot stay silent in the shadow of the tyranny of others. This is not a particularly anti-Tory article, I hope that I’m writing for the benefit of all. This is a study of the tyranny and megalomania exhibited by all parties that have been in government in recent years. I have felt inspired to point out clearly and concisely why I believe we are governed by thieves and liars with references in order to dispel the myth that anyone who opposes the government is a ‘paranoid conspiracy theorist’. I will not cite unverifiable theories I will only cite historical facts although as I am human I may deduce certain conclusions based on those facts.

Extremism on either side, left wing Labour or right wing Conservatives, is not beneficial to be honest because – A – it’s almost irelevant cos extreme left and extreme right end up looking exactly the same in effect, whether fascist or socialist you end up with a tyrannical government and – B – Labour has been more or less right-wing since the 90s. But extremes are generally not ideal (depending on time, place and circumstance.) Therefore it’s difficult to consider this a democracy when the only major party that wasn’t up for following Thatcherite ideals were the Greens which was considered by most a wasted vote and a protest vote by others. Are they self-serving? In short – the Conservatives are selling the NHS to their mates, I’m pretty sure it is for personal financial gain (more on that, with references later.) Just to balance things out a bit so this isn’t just Tory bashing – before Tony Blair took his ironic post as Middle East Peace Envoy his first job after being Prime Minister was as a consultant for the international bank JP Morgan. He was getting over a million a year. Is it just me or does it stink to high heaven that a head of state could get a job for an international bank after he gets out of power? You don’t think any of his decisions made in office could be influenced by the words “we’ll make you a millionaire next year?”

The whole left wing / right wing debate is misleading because the extremes on either side whether socialist or fascist are similar in effect – too much power in the hands of the few, regardless of what got you there. And human rights being taken away has the same results whether they’re taken away by the left or the right. And how centre or right or centre-right the Conservatives are we cannot tell until they start actually implementing laws. Case in point – Labour was traditionally left-wing socialist and in the 90s that’s what people voted for but Blair claimed to be centre-left and in actual fact his policies were more or less the same as Thatcher’s (as far as he could get away with) but that wasn’t apparent until he started implementing policies. But I concede, it is more theory than fact because the Conservatives haven’t had a chance to replace the Human Rights Act with with anything else yet. I just highly suspect it will be replaced with something that gives us alot less rights and them alot more power. I concede it’s a theory on account but it’s a strong theory based on the fact that so far the Tories have exhibited zero compassion, it’s not what they’re known for.

I may sound like a conspiracy theorist but these are facts – Dick Cheney had shares in Halliburton, the company tasked with rebuilding Iraq. Tony Blair got over a million a year from a central bank after he left office. The Tories are selling the NHS not just to their friends but companies they have shares in! (See articles below.) So yes, I believe we are governed by people who have financial gain as their main objective, not the benefit of all.

But are our politicians megalomaniacs? Hmmm… Before the war in Iraq “The British Stop the War Coalition (StWC) held a protest in London which it claimed was the largest political demonstration in the city’s history. Police estimated attendance as well in excess of 750,000 people and the BBC estimated that around a million attended. At the finish rally in Hyde Park, the organisers announced 3 million attended. It remains probably the largest protest march in UK history.” So between 750,000 and 3 million people attended to protest against the war in Iraq. Then they ignored us all and bombed the s*** out of it. “Iraq study estimates war-related deaths at 461,000… About half a million people died in Iraq as a result of war-related causes between the US-led invasion in 2003 and mid-2011, an academic study suggests.” In a so called democracy – ignoring the wishes of at least 750,000 of your electorate and then killing 461,000 people (based on most likely fabricated evidence of WMDs, which he never had cos that wasn’t on the list of things the US had sold him) is the act of a megalomaniac. Tony Blair was a megalomaniac, and yes, I suspect David Cameron is too. So yes, right wing extremism is as bad as left wing extremism, yes I think most politicians are motivated by money and yes I think we are and have been governed by megalomaniacs.

I don’t need conspiracy theories when the newspapers and history books are packed with conspiracy facts.

Do I have a solution? I think so – Be the power. A rap group called Public Enemy (my favourite as a kid in the 80s) once said “Fight the Power”. Since then they have been inspired by a mutual inspiration, Candice O’Denver, to amend that to “Be the power”. (My political views are my own, and none of the above necessarily share my views). What do I mean by “Be the power”? What does it mean to you? Whether that’s write a Zine, write to your MP, organise meetings, organise meditation sessions, write a status, write a blog, share a status, share a blog, join the Green party, start your own party, inform other people as I have just tried to (particularly inform children who are yet to be brainwashed by mainstream media), or relax and find inner peace. Relax? Find inner peace? Yes. Be the power, but try not to be a megalomaniac or a tyrant. How do you avoid being a megalomaniac or a tyrant? Find relax and find inner peace. Get educated in the nature of the mind. I’m still learning.

Iraq study estimates war-related deaths at 461,000

Companies with links to Tories ‘have won £1.5bn worth of NHS contracts’

Tony Blair to earn £2m as JP Morgan adviser

Dick Cheney’s Halliburton: a corporate case study


Why did I feel the need to do this? The Conservative Party want to remove the Human Rights Act. They claim they will change it for something ‘better’. I doubt it. I expect they will give us less rights and themselves more power. THAT, is a conspiracy theory by definition cos it hasn’t happened yet therefore I can only theorise. At the risk of sounding arrogant I’m going to state a few facts. They said I was deluded when Tony Blair took over Labour and they beat the Tories and everyone was celebrating and I, only 16 years old, said “that man has an evil smile, I don’t trust him.” Since then Labour became right wing, he followed Thatchers policies and started an illegal war. They said I was deluded when Obama won and he promised Yes We Can and said he’d shut Guantanamo bay and black people were celebrating as if police brutality would end overnight and I said “just cos he’s black doesn’t mean he’s not a politician.” Since then he bombed thousands of innocent civilians, several unarmed black men have been killed by the police and Guantanamo bay is still open. At the risk of sounding arrogant I’m very rarely wrong about these things and history has shown us that the deluded one’s tend to be those that think that politicians are telling the truth when they’re campaigning for your vote. That no longer seems logical.

It’s not prophecy, it’s simple deduction. Once you escape the delusion that the government has your best interests at heart (a delusion I lost after they ignored the biggest protest ever and went to war with Iraq) you can reduce their motivation to money and power to whatever extreme they can get away with while still convincing enough trusting, naive and deluded people that they have their best interests at heart. Governments become reliably predictable after that to the unfortunate extent that I mistakenly believe it’s obvious to everyone. I guess it becomes easier to see when you stop reading papers and watching the news because they insult your intelligence. I literally forget that most people not only consume mainstream media but believe it. The world makes more sense when you stop.

I was rightly accused of propaganda earlier this week when I took it for granted that the Conservatives were planning to take away our Human Rights as I failed to mention that they were planning to replace it with a Bill of Rights (which doesn’t exist yet.) However I have taken it for granted that the Conservatives don’t give a damn about our human rights based on past and present data, such as Poll Tax, austerity measures, the recent appointment of an anti-gay politician to be minister for equality. I didn’t see it as necessary to write a disclaimer saying “the Conservatives promise that when they scrap the Human Rights Bill they’ll write a new one that will keep you safe from their plans, but I don’t believe it and no one in their right minds would” etc etc cos I didn’t think anyone was that dangerously gullible. But I forget, everyone thought Tony Blair was a lefty socialist once upon a time, everyone thought Obama was a pacifist who deserves a nobel peace prize once upon a time and for some reason if you wear a suit and say it on television people believe what you say. So for the sake of keeping it short and not stating what I thought was obvious I omitted some things but for the record here’s what I missed out – the Conservatives say “this is nothing to worry about, we’ll replace it with something better”. But they’re politicians in power – so that’s probably lies.

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