Today is the day

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


Your vote matters. Really. Yes the choices now may seem bad and worse for a lot of people.
The problem is for any organization new voices (change) is needed to deal with the change of the environment.

Polls may say PC is likely to win, but please help make sure of that. Or if you don't like both get some other voice in there with Green or Libertarian.
But as we can learn from the past single Liberal voice for so many years brought a lot of pain and debt for the generation to come. Simple example, look at your electricity bill. For say a bill for $200 you will see there is propaganda on the bottom of the bill that say "Fair Hydro plan" brought like $90 in saving.

Now how is that saving financed? By borrowing so it is just kicked down the road, expect more and unavoidable electricity rate hike in the future. But of course that is the next party's problem. The funny thing I see about this is there are another 4 - 5 years of 2% only increase proposed before the 6% , 10% phase (as if the Liberals think they would win another term)!

Check out my old post on this subject Who paid highest electricity rate in North American in 2016?

The other pain brought from the Liberals is the inflationary pressure brought on with the "tax grab" minimum wage hike. It is pretty obvious that any cost increase is passed on to consumer and minimum wage kills jobs by artificially skewing the supply demand free market. Making a law to force employer pay more than market rate for labor does not increase productivity / output. It does increase tax revenue and kick start an inflation feedback loop. Just like printing more currency, the initial use of the new currency will be at full purchasing power then the market adopt and inflation will show the true nature of that printing is stealing purchasing power from all existing currency.
In a year or two the price increase due to the wage increase being passed on will wipe out any gain from the 20% minimum wage raise the Liberals put in and for the rest that didn't get the increase life will be worse off.


Canada’s blue wave starts tonight.

Our country used to have only one electrical supplier. Recently, the government opened up and provided more vendors for more option as well as slight cheaper price. I am your new follower. Upvoted!

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