Personal integrity, 'anti-corruption' and honesty will never be enough!

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


On the 23rd of January 2015, an elderly King Salman ascended the Saudi Arabia throne. Barely 10 months in, the economic and financial forecast for the country was published: Saudi Arabia would be out of cash by 2020.

The poor king thought long and hard. For 2 years he tried but failed to understand cryptocurrency but even more dangerous, this new fangled thing called a block chain which promises to sideline all physical economies. Tech is evolving the world rapidly by the second. Yemen and increased terrorism were afoot. His relatives were well ensconced in the grip of corruption and kickbacks. He needed change in this new world but just didn't know what to do... so he turned to the youths.


In 2017, he appointed his 32 yr old son, MBS, Crown Prince while he retired into the background. MBS needed money to execute the new vision, so he went after his previously untouchable relatives and highly placed officials, holding them hostage 'discreetly and politely' until they paid a ransom for their freedom. Note that none of them lost an arm for their colossal theft (normal M-Eastern hypocrisy). Nor did he ruin the chances of internal peace or future foreign investments by broadcasting their deeply entrenched corruption and rent seeking culture.
MBS introduced new policies like the choice of Niqab and driving for women, and reopened cinema halls last utilised 35 years ago. He has injected new fervour and funding into ending the Yemen crisis. They are indicators that Saudi Arabia wants to thrive, not survive.


If personal integrity (should we believe it) was sufficient, Nigeria would be turning away investors in droves by now. What we need are great team leaders like King Salman and even Obj, who acknowledge their limitations and play to their strengths by surrounding themselves with a young, sharp set of tools and skills or receding from the stage completely. My General, consider a permanent Umrah to Daura.


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