Righteous indignation. That’s what I feel.

in #politics3 months ago


Fuck you, Democratic Party leaders.


You friends of mine who are writing the checks, heed this:

It was obvious that HRC was an unlikeable candidate who might loose. I think she’d have been a great president. I’m not one of those who disliked her. She was hugely competent and experienced. But it was evident that she was too disliked to take advantage of what should have been an easy win.

She was put in that position because the party is based on paying dues and “my turn” instead of winning elections.

Did you learn? No.

Biden was far from the best choice to run against Trump, but he won so it’s hard for me to fault that. But from day one after winning, his job and the job of the rest of the party was to groom someone for 2024.

Harris was never going to be that and so an opportunity was wasted. (Sorry to say, because my circle of folks knows her personally. But she just isn’t what’s needed and that was evident before Biden picked her.)

And now. In Biden we have this person who deserves credit for restoring world stature and stabilizing our government. But he’s a restorer, not a leader. He’s Carter, and Trump is going to Reagan him.

That was all clear months ago. That is just preamble, prologue.

Now it’s now. And what happened in public tonight is shameful. Honestly: shameful.

Because everyone around him must have known a long time ago that this is the status of the man.

Running Biden is a betrayal of the faith put in the party by all the people who expect great things from what should be a beacon to the world — a beacon of justice and productivity and opportunity. It’s a betrayal of the American down and out, the oppressed, the multigenerational fighters for justice.

And it’s a betrayal of all Americans no matter what policy they support, because it was so bad it’s a risk to national security.

Biden couldn’t even leave the stage and walk down those steps to the moderators without his wife there to help him.

Biden needs to step aside. Go talk to him. And I sure hope you’ve been planning ahead and have a person at the ready. It doesn’t seem that way. Where is the back bench? Where are the charismatic leaders, the motivators, the rousers, the explainers, the ones we want to be, the ones we relate to because we accept their flaws? Where is Obama and Bill Clinton and JFK and MLK and Bobby? Or even the savvy operators, the LBJs?

Something is seriously wrong with the way power is allocated at the federal level. How parties are operated and select candidates. And how, whether it’s the bulling by Trump or deference to establishment such as with Biden, we allow the wrong people to dominate.

Biden: “my time”? No. Biden his time until we find someone else: Ok

It should be a constant battle to stay on top — not a battle of power but rather a demonstration of competence and capacity. Do we need a parliamentary system? A recurring hostile question period? Weekly debates? A lot more money paid as salary and bonus for performance? I don’t know.

But enough is enough. We have people storming the legislature because they don’t think elections that are legit really are. We have malicious venal carnival barkers who cow entire parties into silence. We have dotards clinging onto power with false notions of their own hero story, thinking they are the only one who can win and instead they are the captain of the Titanic.

You’d better fix it before it gets fixed for you. You won’t like how that turns out.

Enough. Enough. Enough.

And Democratic leaders — and I know some of you may even see this, or at least those who have their ear — if you run Biden and Harris, you will be losing an entire generation of good will. All the fence sitters will go Republican. Or stay home. Or a third way.

Biden needs to step aside before the entire Democratic Party is forced aside.


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