5 Maps Which Should Inform Western Immigration Politics

in #politics7 years ago

Currently, one of the absolute greatest threats to Western Civilization and thus the cause of freedom worldwide is the demographic trends found in Western nations. Many are importing hundreds of thousands of third worlders and people who are completely incompatible with their own citizens, and who seek to destroy the host cultures. If people are going to be able to make informed decisions about the nature of immigration to their nations, and prevent their demographic destruction, they need to face the realities about the differences between cultures and people in different countries. Below are five maps which illustrate a few simple but important principles and variables which affect "quality of immigrant" for each country.

1: Average IQ by Nation


IQ is perhaps one of the most important determinants in the success that an individual will find in life, as it influences income levels, the type of people one will interact with, and in general, one's ability to improve one's situation. High IQ individuals tend to be wealthy, healthy, have excellent quality interpersonal relationships, and are very unlikely to commit crime. This leads to a high quality of life, naturally.

Certainly, this phenomenon is no different on a society wide basis. High IQ societies are wealthier, safer, and happier than low IQ societies. When individuals are more capable, everything around them improves. IQ is largely heritable, and genetically based, while cultural traits that value intellectual accomplishment are also valuable in reinforcing the value of thought and intelligence.

People with IQ scores between 70 and 90 are more likely to commit crime than people with scores above or below this range. In general, low IQ people are not likely to be thoughtful or see beyond their own immediate needs, and this leads to many society wide traits that cause further damage. People are likely to want to cheat the system, avoid hard work whenever possible, blame shift, and are unlikely to create new inventions or techniques which save labor or increase quality of life.

Primitive practices such as digging up corpses and dancing with them led to a plague outbreak in Madagascar (IQ 82).
People to a large degree still defecate in the open in places like India (IQ 82) and Nigeria (IQ 84). The three countries with the highest murder rates (El Salvador, Honduras, and Venezuela) have average IQs of 80, 81, and 84, respectively. The three countries with the highest infant and under-5 mortality rates (Angola, Chad, and Central African Republic) have IQs of 68, 68, and 71, respectively. For countries with IQ data available, those with the highest corruption perception scores (Somalia, Syria, and Libya) had IQs of 68, 83, and 83, respectively.

Essentially, low IQ societies are not able to escape primitive practices which make life violent, disease ridden, and often short. Their values lead to economic failure, and wretched lives for those in these countries.

High IQ societies are a whole world of difference away. The US, and especially its native European population, is a fairly high IQ nation, which certainly inherited "high-IQ values", such as the importance of personal and economic liberty, hard work, honesty, and respect for women and children.

Quality of life is excellent in these nations, people live longer, are happier and healthier, do not suffer deaths due to disease or violence nearly as often, and are responsible for many impressive achievements. High IQ is a very important trait for an immigrant to have, if people want immigrants to actually contribute positively to a society.
As we have seen countless times throughout the ages, when immigrants from cultures of low quality start to colonize cultures of higher quality, they do not integrate. When immigration occurs in large numbers, the immigrants do not immigrate, rather they create a new society in the image of their former. In this case, when low IQ immigrants start overwhelming the natives of high IQ nations, this is bad not only for the host nation, but for the world at large.

2. Type of Culture


Though many in the United States have been fooled into thinking that the USA is a "melting pot", or that diversity is a strength, the United States is a nation founded with a very clear set of ideas meant to serve as the guiding principles and raison d'etre for the country. These ideas are also very clearly English, Protestant Christian, Western, and European in nature. That independence, limited government, and rule of law should be the fundamental tenets of a society is not a commonly held belief in the world. Even in continental Europe and nowadays the UK and some of its other offspring nations (Canada, Australia, New Zealand), things like equality or order are valued by many over those which founded America. The liberty that true Americans value is what made the USA a great nation, the best at times, and otherwise one of the best in the world. Because ideas are so often very strongly correlated with the culture of the person who holds them, for America to preserve its most fortunate of ideological heritages, it must also preserve its cultural makeup, or else make damn sure to integrate all immigrants fully. As previously said, this is still impossible when immigration is at high levels.

Even between 1850 and 1900, the character of America noticeably changed. It did so more between 1900 and 1950, and did so to a nearly unrecognizable state between 1950 and 2000. The American dream is fading, and preserving a people who are inspired by the English-American heritage is necessary to try and preserve it.

The countries I have marked in blue seem to be those which most closely match a description of a Western Christian heritage, one which would ultimately go on to inspire much of English, and thus American cultures. Though many people from these nations do not share the English style love of freedom, because of the fundamental similarity between societal values and codes of conduct, people from most of these countries, if doing so in small numbers, can integrate well into American society after a generation. Germanic Protestants and Irishmen have an easier time than most Catholics, and those who speak languages very different than English. Those from Australia, New Zealand, and especially Canada can often become "true Americans" within their lifetime.

The purple countries in Eastern Europe are also mostly Christian and European in nature, but have taken more from the Greek Byzantine Empire (through Orthodox Christianity) than they have through the Roman Catholic Church, and that corresponding heritage. Values in both lands have much in common, though centuries of rivalry between some nations, and especially the scars wrought by communism, have led to a degree of alienation between these cultures.

Cuba, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, and Chile have been marked in this color because they are all Roman Catholic nations, with a majority heritage, but because the "Latin American" culture is significantly different than Western European culture. It often draws influences from Native Americans and formerly enslaved West Africans, and because of centuries of development in a region somewhat remote from Europe, and under diverse conditions, Latin American culture does not hold some European values, and actually often produces lower IQ nations. However, these four nations stand out. They have majority European populations, and have average IQs slightly above many others in Latin America.
Argentina and Uruguay, also have very high majority European populations (around 90%), and also have much higher IQs than the Latin American average.

Those nations in light red are nations which were founded by Europeans, have European minority populations, and are Christian in nature or have a large Christian population. At a fundamental level, some people in these theoretically value the same things as Western Europeans, but the values are seldom on display wholly. These countries tend to have lower IQs than other Western nations, and thus lower incomes and quality of life.

As you may have determined, the countries here are ranked in order of likelihood for an immigrant from the country to successfully integrate to American society. Though this is not always an indicator of likelihood for economic success (people in Japan have a higher IQ than those in Moldova), it is certainly easier for people with linguistic, cultural, and religious similarities to the native population of the USA than those who do not.

Immigrants from nations similar to the host nation's natives should be preferred.

3. Tuberculosis Distribution


This map shows rates of tuberculosis in each country. This general trend can be applied to other similar diseases as well.

Overall, tuberculosis is one of the most deadly diseases in the world in terms of number killed, and an estimated 1/3 of the global population is infected with some form of the disease. More than 95% of deaths occurred in low income countries, where oftentimes up to 80% of the population is infected (often with a latent form), and 50% of all deaths occurred in India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan or the Philippines. In the USA, only between 5% and 10% are infected with any form of the disease.

It is tremendously irresponsible to bring in people from countries where terrible diseases (which are quite rare in developed countries) are common. Likely mostly as a result of immigration patterns, the number of tuberculosis cases in the USA increased in 2016 for the first time in 23 years. In 2002, the CDC attributed 42% of all new Tuberculosis cases to either legal or illegal immigrants, and went on to suggest that 66% of all new Tuberculosis cases in the U.S. originated in Mexico, the Philippines, or Vietnam. Only 900 cases of leprosy were reported in the United States during the 40 years between 1960 & 2000. However, between 2002 & 2005, 7,000 cases were reported. Most of the cases were traced to Brazil, Mexico, various Caribbean nations, or India. It is often folk belief systems and lack of knowledge among other factors that keep transmission rates of these diseases so high in countries like these, and that is something that must be accounted for when deciding immigration rules.

It is not just tuberculosis, either. Horrible diseases such as AIDS, Malaria, E.coli, Dengue Fever, and even polio are endemic to many poor, low IQ nations across the world, and this is a critically important factor to consider when discussing immigration. It is foolishness to wreck the decades of work done by vaccination and education to nearly eradicate many of these formerly widespread diseases in Western nations.

4. Averge Income Classifications by Country


Average incomes, (especially when analyzed to a higher precision than this) can tell a lot about the state of life in a nation. Foremost, it gives some insight as to the intelligence and work ethic of a people, both very important factors to analyze. It also gives insight as to the stability of the nation, for example whether or not there may be some sort of civil strife or armed conflict, whether or not the area has been affected by an epidemic or natural disaster, and so forth. It gives information as to the ability of these people to overcome problems like these, or to prevent them, but also can help determine whether or not they want actually to come and immigrate and integrate to a society, or whether they just want resources and economic benefits. Additionally, immigrants from poor countries, (especially when it is just a working age adult) are likely to send home as remittances a good part of their wages if they get work (or even worse, government welfare) in the host country.

Overall, income levels of countries of origins for immigrants can yield information on the ability of an immigrant to actually support their self in the destination country, and the likelihood that the immigrant actually wants to become a part of the destination country's society, rather than just take the economic benefits and send them home to their country of origin.

5. Top Universities Globally


This may seem oddly specific a choice to include here, but it has been chosen because it illustrates a great many things in a very concise manner, if one has a bit of relevant knowledge and context.

High quality universities require high IQ people to run them, and to attend them. They require a large amount of financial resources to build, maintain, and provide funding for research efforts and similar programs. They are often found in nations which are heirs to the University tradition started by the Roman Catholic Church nearly a millennium ago. Because they are quite a "high-level" organization (not fundamentally necessary, and not easy to establish), they also are much more likely to be found in regions that are developed and stable, and which have been for a long time.

Because of all of these factors, it is reasonable to conclude (with other supplementary data) that nations with many prestigious and high performing universities are wealthy, have many intelligent citizens and likely a high average IQ, are not subject to much civil strife or war (meaning people are less likely to be attached to dangerous causes), and in some cases, these countries may have a great deal of the cultural traits found among Western nations.

A person who comes from a nation with many such universities thus likely embodies many of these traits, and is much more likely to have specialized knowledge enabling them to easily become a functioning member of a society and productive worker.


In general, when analyzing countries or individuals to determine the probability that their immigration will benefit the United States (or indeed, other Western nations), it is extremely important to analyze, in the person and their nation of origin, the average IQ, levels of economic productivity, levels of education, distributions of diseases, and general cultural compatibility. Immigrants who are unlikely to be productive or integrate to their host society, and are likely to be unintelligent, lazy, disease-ridden, and hold their host society in contempt, will destroy the society they immigrate to. What's worse is the fact that today, these sorts of people make up the majority of people entering the USA and most European and other Western nations. This trend will be catastrophic for the world if not reversed, because Western cultures produce some of the best results globally, and do so consistently, to the benefit of all who use Western innovations.

Western nations need to start taking seriously their right to discriminate between those who wish to enter. Western people have the same right as all others to a future for their children, and their societies have a right to proudly live on till the next generation. Western Civilization is facing deadly trends currently, and only Westerners can save their own nations.

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