"Why don't people do more to make it a better world?"

in #politics6 years ago

Excerpt: Do you try to save the world? Are you involved in an activity to change other people's behavior because you think you know better and you think your way and your truth is the right one? Your efforts are futile. You are not better than any other person, and the only person you can change is yourself. Indeed, you can and do influence others but not through efforts, not through actions, but only through being. And exactly there, from a place of no agenda or resentment, a place of full acceptance and compassion, you make the difference!


Credit: nypost


I read somewhere about a female porn movie star who happens to be a blogger too (whatever that means, bah!) who plans to have sex with 1001 people just to make a world record. I went to her website and read some of the things she wrote and I can't understand how people are allowed to publish such things. Where is the government?! I mean, I am for freedom of speech but there is a limit, and you have also written against pornography, haven't you? What I am saying is, therefore, why don't we see more people who act against such hideous things?!



You surely noticed that I omitted the link to that porn-star's website from your question. I did not do it because I agree with what you said, but simply because I do not choose to be part of promoting pornography. Those who really are interested to read about her can easily find the links through Google.

Life is about choice, as I have said many times and as you have correctly hinted. The fact that you have the freedom to imagine a life the way you want it to be and to create whatever reality would suit you, does not mean that judging others is appropriate. It is indeed a huge moral and social dilemma to see where freedom of speech and protecting a society interfere with each other, and I am definitely not going to write a dissertation about it.

As a matter of fact, learning to accept everything in life is a major key on the path to enlightenment. We can indeed grow up as children under the protecting wings of "the light" and then one day be startled when the dark side of divinity is thrown in our faces. Such an episode is actually a major gift since real inner progression necessitates the integration of both aspects of a duality. This is what I am saying about the dark which meets the light.

If you personally, Rob, have an issue with certain aspects of life, evoking strong emotional responses, then there lie your biggest gift. In the example you brought, you may want to hug the pornstar (figuratively speaking) and decipher her message for you. The same goes for others who tend to judge events and people.

Each and every human being around you, no matter what they do, think or feel; no matter how noble or villainous you may find them to be, is an appropriate aspect of the full consciousness of the divine and have a natural and rightful place under heaven; just as you are entitled to your own safe and free place in this reality and beyond.

There is some confusion among rich and powerful groups around the world who observe a world that changes very quickly and not always in the direction they wanted. Even the highest moral authorities whose noble goals and purposes are beyond reproach, and who also have the resources to save the world, have recently come to realize that such a task is beyond any external force's ability.


Credit: gifer

You ask, Why don’t more people do something to save the world? and I am telling you they have already tried. They have spent billions of dollars, plotted and schemed and planned on an enormous scale and used every single shred of influence they had, but eventually realized that they cannot save and are not supposed to save the world or their fellow human beings. Such an act would contradict the fabric of life in this reality.

It is not my intention to change your thinking, Rob, because I do not judge you either. Neither have I wanted to swamp the whole topic with lofty and shallow words. I simply want to stress once again that everything begins with you, the Individual, and love is all there is.

That should direct you to action, to understand what you indeed can do, other than to try to save the world. And the only thing that is appropriate is to be the best version of an enlightened embodied realized human master than you can be. Then you will serve as a standard to the other people whom you so dearly fond of and care for.

Thank you for your question.



There indeed is this victim-perpetrator-rescuer circle, each of which comes along with increased guilt in the order I put it here. Many people might think that it is just the victim and perpetrator who engage in this guilt game, but also the rescuer is partaking in it to some degree, for he still draws a categorizing judgement as to what is right and what is wrong. So the rescuer too engages in fixing the outside world instead of fixing himself only. We don't need to rescue anything and anyone, we only need to fix ourselves, and by fixing ourselves everything that is part of our Heartfelt dreams will flow with us most beautifully.

Valuable perspective, about the resucer and the circle of guilt.

Judging people isn't the best way to go, because we can only judge based on our moral compass and that is influenced by what we have seen and our believes. So what we assumed to be good might not be good after all

I always say “what’s wrong for you, may not be wrong for someone else and what’s right for you, may not be right for someone else”. That’s why I try to do my best not to judge anyone. Just like you mentioned “ ...but simply because I do not choose to be part of promoting pornography.“ if there were only two people in this world, Rob and the pornstar. Who is right or wrong doesn’t matter, they should respect each other for who they are. In this case I have a bigger respect for the pornstar since she doesn’t judge and is who she is. I hope I’m not judging here 😆. I’m not going to say being a pornstar is wrong just because I wouldn’t be a porn star. I’m not going to say the person who loves to express himself in public is wrong just because I’m a shy person and wouldn’t do it...

if there were only two people in this world, Rob and the pornstar. Who is right or wrong doesn’t matter

Your comment gives me the opportunity to explain the difference between judging and observing.

Sometimes we are so afraid to be regarded as judging people that we forget we have the right to choose what we want in our life and what we do not. Life is diverse and full with different types and levels of experiences and we can certainly observe everything and decide whether to copy or let go. The fact we do not agree with the behavior of that porn star and hence choose not to have similar experiences does not mean we judge her.

An important clarification.

Thanks @nomad-magus for this enlightnment most of the people rush to give judgements when a person does something but sometimes these people have gone through alot be in criticism or any other form and this has pushed them to the edge but the best way is always to give a helping hand where necessary forexample I had a good friend of mine who had a fiance who would support her and her family but before there marriage there was a misunderstanding then they broke up so everyone judged the girl ,they insulted her how foolish she was to leave a man that supported her whole life you know what this pushed her to started doing drugs, alcohol and later to prostitution but all for what her family judged without hearing her side . Am always against judging people ....

Sorry to hear about your good friend.

As a matter of fact, learning to accept everything in life is an important key on the path to enlightenment. In fact, we can grow as children under the protective wings of "the light" and, one day, be surprised when the dark side of divinity throws us in the face. Such an episode is indeed an important gift as real inner progression requires the integration of both aspects of a duality. This is what I'm saying about the darkness that meets the light

My life has taken a profoundly interesting turn, which perhaps only I have noticed, in reality that's what matters, looking at the back of my story, I was living a life of situations that were not of my total concern, things that today I consider superfluous, with the arrival of my son, I have been so dedicated to him and to the development of my self, that all the stories of others are part of my brain's garbage can, I don't give my life time to process this information, I have been severely criticized for walking on the moon, that's when I say, with so many things to think, do and learn: How can I give time to something that won't give me anything??
I feel that I owe all this to the fact that I am no longer the 20-year-old girl without clear goals, age can influence the way we accept, tolerate and value life??

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

It's wisdom that comes with age.
You see, the more you experience the more wisdom you gain, the deeper connections you make with your inner self which in turn "sends" to you more wisdom from other parts of your self.
Indeed, other people's issues are not, should not be, of your concern 👍

Extract: Trying to save the world? Are you involved in an activity to change other people's behavior because you think you know best and think your way and your truth is right? Your efforts are useless. You are no better than anyone else, and the only person you can change is yourself.

I have always thought about who can judge what is good and what is evil? I'm perfect to point the finger at you, is someone perfect to point the finger at?
Everyone has their personality, their thoughts, their feelings, their inclinations, we all seem to know this until... we feel that the other person should act like me, do what I say, think and feel! This subject is quite broad and beyond taking the example of a pornographic actress, I will take myself as an example; normally love relationships fail due to the degree of tolerance 0 that many of us present, understanding that wanting someone to be your image and likeness, denotes a lack of love for that person, we must value and love people as they are, so do not do exactly what we want, instead of pointing them out, it would be good to highlight the positive that may occur in them and especially listen to what they should say, it is possible that we learn more from another person than they do from us (and more if we have a superior attitude. Happy night

I don't think what a porn star does with her body is as important as the votes our elected officials make.
We do need to try and make our lives and this world a better place.

I really agree with what you say but if we look at the facts right now, it's very rare that we see a leader who thinks hard to make a change for the better. they only make promises before they are elected, but when they have sat as a leader, the promise they say they did not do, maybe because of their inability factor or indeed they pretend not able to do it, how in your opinion @nomad-magus

They are not capable to make a change, they do not have the necessary wisdom to know what is real or to inspire the masses. I pity them, as they are more confused than anybody else.

Just be your own leader within, at home with your family, in your town and country.

That's more than enough!

yes that's what you say. every man is a leader, the smallest is a leader in our family, but I am here to be a leader in my area but I still need to learn more for that, because I want that moment to be achieved I can carry out my duties really, to be a leader who cares for society and can make a change for the better.

Profe excelente Post, buenas reflexiones. Los argumentos dan sentido a nuestra convivencia humana creo que es el aporte más importante que el que esté inquieto pueda expresarse y el que recibe su expresión sepa comprender en dimensión humana su sentir...

Un gran abrazo.. gran trabajo.

World is full with selfish leader. They just think how can they developed only. It is not about their concern to make world better place.

It is not about their concern to make world better place.

I know it's against any rationality you have been taught, but if you become more selfish, in a balanced way, the world will become a better place. Try it.

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