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RE: They Are DESPERATE To Keep The TRUTH Hidden

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Now THAT's a comment!

Here's a simple list from the Matthew North video above that says everything about the Trump lies that he used to get elected. These lies were precisely formulated based upon the Cambridge Analytica Facebook data they harvested to manipulate the masses.

Here's a summary of the Candidate Trump transformation:

Candidate Trump ----------->President Trump
Lock her up-------------------->She's been through enough
Replace Obamacare--------->Obamacare can stay
China is bad------------------->China is good
Assad should stay------------>Assad should go
We must respect Russia---->Russia must respect us
NATO is obsolete------------->NATO is indispensable
America first------------------->America world police
Make America Great Again->Make Israel Greatest


Why Thank You N_& V_.
I figured most folks and especially Sgt. Sean either are too lazy to go to the link at ZH even if I was to give a short synopsis of the Brandon Smith article.
Therefore I put the whole thing up instead.

Concerning Cambridge Analytica Facebook data, as soon as I heard/read about it, I understood exactly that was how Trumpty-Dumpty was sooo spot-on with his memes while before the election.
You do know that 'Cambridge Analytica' has (((zionazi))) main investors/management?
Of course Sgt.Sean wouldn't know that:

It appears Mathew North has got it right.
Thanks for the above shortlist.
Perhaps some sheeple may actually read it.
I've been busy.
When I get time I'll get back to You.
I have read/seen yourproblem blog with eos & d.l.
Therefore, any exchange with You will need/deserve quite a few hours.
Until Then.
:))) X-

Trump hated the "Drain the Swamp" line at first, but the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting confirmed it would get people behind him. It's a complete BS lie as the video below proves:

Here's just 1 article at ZH-Zerohedge describing the cabal behind Cambridge Analytica.
((( ))).
"Tweren't the Mormons"


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