There is communism in Argentina

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

I filmed this on my balcony in Argentina Buenos Aires.

i got mutherfucking scared.


How does a 35 years old adult get that scared?.

Well this is me on 2016, leaving my country Venezuela, forever.


My beautiful country, which had a SOLID economy from the 50's to the 70's, destroyed after 17 years of communism, the so called revolution left professionals graduated in the university earning 12$usd per month as salary, taxi drivers making 50 usd dollars at best, no food in the super markets, most drug stores with almost no medicines, a currency exchange control that left Venezuela no access to dollars for more than 10 years, censonrship in the media, countless street riots, inflation on more than 30% (unofficial numbers with 2 years delay, meaning that the central bank was not showing the real numbers) that I would assume were higher than 100% inflation, extreme insecurity violence and to make it all worse, 55% to 70% of the poblation was with the comunist goverment, or at least the votes on presidential elections showed that.

One day I was on my apartment window and I saw how a riot of communist people was trying to enter the building complex, destroying the gate, that day I knew I had to leave.

I do know this is a very difficult post to write. There are things that are wrong in this world, and one of the most problematic aspects of things that are wrong are:

1.- Ignorance.

from latin ignōrantia, means, lacking knowledge/lack of understanding.


When we talk about communism, people seem to lack the KNOWLEDGE, that communism has destroyed several countries. Several economies. For example Cuba and Venezuela.

The problem with ignorance, is that people CHOOSE, to be ignorant, How? well, knowledge is there, it's everywhere but still, people don't wanna read, learn and therefore UNDERSTAND.

When we talk about communism, people seem to lack the UNDERSTANDING that under communism there is no chase for efficiency, enterprises owned by the state tend to be less efficient, since there is no incentive for capital gain, people tend to become careless, lazy under the idea the government will protect them no matter what.

THE EASIEST example i can give to someone is this:

Imagine you save for 5 years and with a lot of effort you build your first business, you open your first store, with so many sleepless nights, 18 hours shifts (since you cant afford employees), imagine the place, ultra clean, neat, its your little baby child you protect it with love. That's is how a business person manages his business under a capitalism-competition environment.

Then, communism arrives at the place, expropíates that business. What happens? the government assigns someone with the fixed salary, whose performance doesn't affect his payment, he will always earn the same even if he's mad, angry, moody or even comes to work drunk. what happens with that business?

who cares the most? someone who is HURT when the business is not going well, who worries, who lives and breathes the business or someone paid by the government?

this little example is BARELY ONE reason why communism destroys countries and economies.

If you wanna know more about this, there are hundreds and hundreds of examples, just to name ONE you can check the differences between East Germany (communist) and West Germany (capitalist) once the Berlin wall came down.

2.- Ideology.

From French idéologie, is a doctrine/body of beliefs/principles that belong to an individual or group.

The problem with Ideology is that it can BLIND people or even entirely change people perception.


just to give more sense ill add some definitions by Terry Eagleton:

  • a body of ideas characteristic of a particular social group or class.
  • systematically distorted communication.
  • socially necessary illusion
  • the confusion of linguistic and phenomenal reality

Whats the problem with communism ideology? one of its biggest problems is that it looks SO PRETTY in the books, and sounds amazing in the speech, that people when faced with it, falls in love with the idea of a big strong state to protect the weak, equality, punishment for the rich, wait, what? why punishment for the rich?

ill leave he punishment for the rich for later.

Then what happens is, communism when applied to reality, its just extremely utopic, usually the government gets greedy, usually becomes a dictatorship, first the state becomes strong, then kills the productive machine, to later take control of the media, then does what it promised to everyone, takes EVERYONE TO THE SAME LEVEL. But sadly not making the lower class and middle class rich, no, the communist state makes everyone poor.

examples of blinded people influenced by ideology are on the millions ill bring one here:

tenalidad pobre.png

The image reads:

"Opposition, ill make it clear, without turkey, no c.l.a.p, no water, no oil, without a damn, we, the people will continue supporting NICOLAS MADURO."

to explain it to people who are not from Venezuela, clap is a box of food the government rarely gives you (since there is scarcity in all food chains and supermarkets)

So this person claims that even starving, with no basic services like electricity or water, they will still support the president, the very same president who has made everyone poor, who has created an exodus (more than 4 million) of Venezuelans all around the world, to escape the horrible crisis.

how a problem THIS BIG begins?

it always beggings because people what change.

change is something a LOT of people want in their lives, but usually, people don't want to make the HUGE and IMMENSE effort you gotta do to achieve that change.

For example, wealth, economic wealth. Around the top 1% on the world's population has the 40% of the money (almost the half), so that leaves the 99% of world's population with only 60% of the money, and let me tell you, that 60%, ALMOST THE OTHER HALF, is not fairly distributed either.

let's show it better with an image:

there you saw it, 0.7% has ALMOST THE HALF OF THE MONEY.
How anyone on the earth will consider this FAIR?
Well, after almost 10 years of studying success, business, markets I have found that:

It requires hard work (LOTS)

to have economic success, let alone wealth, and something even more real is that people say they want to have success but they don't wanna work for it.

So that is one of the main reasons people want change; its easier that someone comes and do the homework for you. Its ugly, it's messy, people don't wanna hear it, but its the truth.

That is exactly the point when punishment for the rich comes.

a tremendous amount of people prefer to blame others than themselves, so if they are not in the rich group of the population, who is to blame?

instead of doing the hard work, research, years of effort, failure, then again more years of hard work, people prefer a goverment that makes everything easier for them, which has been proven to fail, at least in 99% of the comunist goverments, in the other 1% you have china, which has prevailed with a socialist goverment, but I put all my money that is because of their culture, a culture SO different from the rest that when they go on a strike, instead staying home sick, they produce more and work extra hard so the company overproduces and then it has inmense losses, that different they are from us.

Is it 1% good enough for the humanity to try a communist or socialist government ever again?


(in the image above you see a homeless person sleeping outside a PSUV abandoned office, PSUV stands for Venezuelan united socialist party)

What is the solution?

As I said before people is hungry for change, to get what? equality, why equality? because there is a HUGE differential in wealth distribution, (that's only one of the problems) buy equality rarely is what we need. We are all different with different capabilities, desires, strengths, we all make efforts in a different level than others, what we need is SOMETHING ELSE.


We need something that levels everyone to the same level, we need something that makes justice when things are wrong.

The only thing that can level you, to someone that has an advantage on you is:


The solution is and will always be education. But not a college education. Education from history, what has happened before us, education from growth, the one you get when you fail and start over, in order to achieve, education from family values, education by example.

Education will lead us to the truth and truth will set us free.

Thanks for reading

▶️ DTube

Unfortunately the human being is the only living being that repeats behaviors that he knows hurt him, just for not reading and informing properly, as Simon Bolivar said an ignorant people is a blind instrument of their own destruction and even living it does not open their eyes.

Simon bolivar, such an inspiration. Yes, my friend some people don't open their eyes, but i also was blind in some aspects of my life too, then i learned, and i think we can always learn.


El comunismo o como actualmente le dicen “socialismo” es la peor desgracia que le pueden ocurrir a los pueblos, un concepto que solo aplica para el ciudadano mientras que los que gobiernan actúan como capitalistas natos. Mi país Venezuela es la muestra clara de esto; mientras nosotros vivimos cada día tratando de sobrevivir a la escasez y el costo de vida que se incrementa a cada rato, los gobernantes como bien sabrás viven tal cual monarcas pisoteando el espíritu y la dignidad del venezolano.
Venezuela y ningún otro país merece un sistema tan atrasado que solo trae miseria a los pueblos.

Communism or as at present they say socialism to him it is the worst misfortune that can be happened to the towns, a concept that only is applicable for the citizen while the ones that govern act like born capitalists. My country Venezuela is the obvious sign of this; While we lived every day trying from outliving scarcity and the cost of living that increases every so often, the governing body like good you will know monarches trampling on the spirit and dignity live just the same on the Venezuelan.
Venezuela and no other country, merit a so delayed system that only extreme poverty brings the towns.

Solo trae miseria, totalmente de acuerdo hermano. Por eso me aterre cuando vi tal cosa. Ver que aqui una parte de la pobaclion IGNORA y NO ENTIENDE el problema. Gracias por leerme.

Hopefully our dear friends in Latin America and the world in general, be well informed of the situation that countries like Cuba and Venezuela are living so that they do not make the mistake of the Venezuelans that we never imagined at the level of decadence that we would reach, communism not only destroys the economy a country destroys families, separates them is the worst plague we are living God protect them from something like this.

Yes we never imagined. only a few explained this but we didn't believe them i was a kid back then but i was an ignorant too.

After living in comunism i understood.

Real shame about Venezuela, such a stable, prosperous country turned into what it is right now.. :(

Yes my friend. At the end, people do feel sorry for the piece of land that was lost. But what i regret the most is the people

More important than the economic crisis that my country is experiencing, Venezuela, the result of the measures of this "socialism" is the social crisis that has been implanted since the beginning and that is currently at its maximum splendor.

Personally, I think that everything lies in the lack of education that is suffered leading to an ignorance that is capable of defending its own destruction. The "education" they offer to the less favored has been responsible for sowing in the consciences of their ranks an absurd reasoning and an amazing ability to find valid arguments to their ideals.

Very good post, greetings @neri0x.

Thanks a lot for reading. I agree 100% with you on "the lack of education that is suffered leading to an ignorance".

When communism started in our country i was a teenager, and let me tell you this, what do you think was worse? the education they implanted later or the ignorance or our leaders and ourselves that we couldn't stop chavez, on none of the elections. I never seek others to blame i always blame myself. But honestly noone could stop him and we had very talented peopel on the country in the 2000's.

its like germany, noone could stop Hitler and they also had talented people.

I think it's great for a person to take the time to comment on these realities. Since many people do not take the initiative to share their thinking or an ideology for the public as you have done today.

I do know this is a very difficult post to write.

It is true, but fair and necessary. We have to be interested in everything that happens and realize what to change and improve. There are things that speak for themselves and the results speak more than a thousand words.

Me parece excelente que una persona se tome el tiempo para comentar sobre estas realidades. Dado que muchas personas no toman la iniciativa de compartir su pensamiento o una ideología para el público como lo has hecho hoy.

Sé que es una publicación muy difícil de escribir.

Es cierto, pero justo y necesario. Tenemos que estar interesados en todo lo que sucede y darnos cuenta en que cambiar y mejorar. Hay cosas que hablan por sí mismas y los resultados hablan más que mil palabras.

Gracias hermano. La verdad es un tema complejo. Hay muchas pesonas sufriendo y muy pocos son los que estan luchando. la mayoria de los que estan luchando estan cansados.

Lo bueno es que se que muchos de los que estan luchando a la final, si no se rinden lo lograran!

Este post era mas informativo acerca de mi opinion, y una memoria de lo que vivi y se que paso en mi pais. Para informar tambien a muchos de los que no viven en Venezuela y no entienden muchas cosas.

Es muy facil opinar desde afuera sin haber sufrido los horrores de el comunismo.

Es increíble como países sur americanos aun insisten en pensar que el socialismo y comunismo es la solución a nuestros problemas, particularmente creo que todos somos ignorantones solo que no todos ignoramos las mismas cosas, un problema recurrente con las personas de la izquierda estudiadas es que para mi son personas poco razonables todas se dejan guiar por el odio y no por la razón.

Yo pensaba igual antes, que todos ignorabamos algo, (y si evidentemente no podemos saber todo de toda la informacion del universo) pero creo que el problema con las personas ignorantes, catalogadas como un ignorantes en su totalidad, mas alla de desconocer ciertas cosas, es lo critico y delicado de la informacion que ELIGEN desconocer, porque es un tema de elecciones. Mas alla de lo que desonocen, es el problema que causa su desconocimiento aun cuando la informacion esta presente en frente de ellos o peor aun es evidente.

Ejemplo no es lo es lo mismo desconocer el metodo gauss - jordan para la resolucion de sistemas de ecuaciones y matrices, normal no pasa nada, no le causo tanto daño a mi vida y a la de los demas, que desconocer que ciertos cloros (sustancia halógeno simbolo CL) mezclados con ciertos jabones y productos de limpieza pueden formar un gas que te mata en 5 minutos o menos, es decir limpiando el baño de tu casa te matas tu y a tu familia.

No soy muy creyente de lo que la gente llama "sentido comun" porque este varia demasiado, lo que puede ser basico para ti, puede ser casi imposible de ocurrirsele a tu projimo cercano. La gente suele confundir muchas cosas como la experiencia, la inteligencia, el intelecto, la sabiduria, la curiosidad, la destreza.

Pienso que la capacidad de observacion es importantisima, la deduccion, y hay algo que llamo "el despertar" que seria un tema mas complejo, pero tambien creo que cualquier humano puede alcanzar la grandeza, y es algo que nuestros pueblos necesitan, que todos crezcamos.

Un abrazo, gracias por leerme.

Great post! Ppl gotta start to spread the truth about those old-time ideologies. Btw just gonna say one thing, even Karl Marx was a jewish guy lol. Have u ever heard of "Venus Project"? I think that projects like these is the answer, but it takes time for the masses to wake up. Change happens slowly but i believe that ppl will wake up more and more for these issues.

Never heard of project Venus ill definitively check it out. Personally, I don't mind if the ideology is old, there are old ideologies or set of ideas that come from very old times that I like for example the concepts explained in The Richest Man in Babylon" From Clason.

The problem is what these ideologies cause in people and worse yet how they deceive and control the masses.

I do also think that change is slow but possible.

Thank you very much for reading my friend I value your comments.

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