in #politics7 years ago

I must forego my fears of my life, my job, my well being put my thoughts in writing as it may help some see a perspective that I so dearly want for most of us to at least consider.
Times have not been kind to America and neither have its leaders. It has been a free fall in culture, economics, education and American pride.



Our edge in manufacturing is gone. American exceptionalism is now seen as a distasteful concept. Perhaps the greatest civilization ever known in modern times is on its way to ruins.
It is really hard to have any faith in the professional politicians. Then came along Donald Trump. He spoke as a common man to the hearts of those that believe in American exceptionalism. Where we got to is not without an agenda. To form an international alliance that will supremely govern most of the world may it be at the cost of sovereignty of a country or the freedoms of its people.
We were great once. We were respected and feared in that order. We stood by the side of the deprived and humiliated. We freed them with American blood. We respected each other and as a society slowly we rid ourselves of slavery and racism etc or at least we were on the righteous path. Somewhere, somehow it changed. We grew in government. We grew in secrecy layers within our government. We went onto develop break away civilization, far from the reaches of accountability. The country's money started disappearing from even Pentagon. We formed unholy alliances with the likes of Some Arab nations. We let go any currency backing and relied on petrodollars. There is more to say but I hope this is enough to get the point across.

Common sense is not lost on those who voted trump in. It is a rebellion against an established agenda. An American president should not be proud to be able to support many on welfare. Instead he/she should tremble in fear of the plight for generations to come. It seems only reasonable to hope that a person shall rise to reclaim the lost civilization of America. It may be president Trump. I don't think it can be him, for many reasons. Yet I see him as a man who spoke of what has lay dormant in many hearts. With great disappointment we watched him back off and in some cases, reverse his course. Some say it is part of his tactics. I don't know. Some claim of alliance with Russia. That remains unproven. What is not unproven is the established agenda of unholy alliances of the establishment with foreign powers. We have an alliance with Saudi Arabia. We had an alliance with Iraq. We had an alliance with Qaddafi. Money and arms flowed both ways. Nothing was then questioned.
Many have alleged corruption in President Trumps past business deals. To those then I ask to bring out a non corrupt man from within their masses who can have the strength to stand up to an established agenda forces. If none is due to be presented soon, then it stands to reason to stand behind someone whose past we may question but give him strength if he does not stray from the path he said he shall choose.



Perhaps its the result of a forced multi-cultural society that has been foisted upon us? Notice the top countries are pretty much homogeneous. There are differences in the races, hate to break your bubble...

No bubble here brother but I hope you don't mind if I disagree. I don't know if there is a difference between but if there is then it is to be celebrated, enjoyed I feel we are lucky as a human race to have these differences.
It would serve no purpose to disregard the globalist agenda and fall prey to such theories.

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