The Protests in Iran is a prelude to war .

in #politics7 years ago

The Arab Spring was funded by USA and Israel.

The protests in Iran over the past few days has engulfed the people like a euphoric craze , much like the Arabic spring protests that began in Tunisia in and around 2010 . Who protested ? it started as small groups
Of people protested about various issues . If these protests were to occur in western countries , it wouldn’t start a war , in fact it would spark a wave of arrests and eventual cooling of these protests . Think “ occupy Wall Street “& black lives matter , etc . Make no mistake , these protests are planned by 2 of the most powerful states in the world and has nothing to do with the Iranian people but everything to do with the invasion of the people’s Iran . The protests at time of press has seen the deaths of at least 12 civilians .

Iran Flag , source , pixabay

Who benefits ?

The greater Israel project is going as planned , with a few hiccups here and there . They failed with Syria , but they will make sure that with the Invasion of Iran , they will take it 2 super powers of the Arab world . Syria will be forced into war , Iran will be ruined and broken into a much smaller , weakened state .

Who are the protestors .

Largely paid protestors. Google and Facebook have a critical role to play here just as they did with the Arab Spring . Google is a state on its own , with powerhouse politicians at the helm of things . Eric Schmidt , Jared Cohen have played critical roles with the success of Arab Spring . Both platforms are used to organise protests , spread news , propaganda and incite a call for regime change in Iran . Iran will react and possibly crush these protestors . Many will be killed and before we know there will be a civil war in Iran . False flag attacks can be either blamed on Iran or Israel will attack Iran . The USA will then join protecting its ally .

Photo of ERic on the left and Jared on the right , both have served on Us administrations and have been a major part of the political influence google asserts in its support of regional and international politics .

The war .

The war will be short and brutal . Iran will be weakened beyond repair , Assad will be forced out and or killed . These events that start as protests are merely a scapegoat for regime change and war , the people of Iran are simply being played at the hands of neo conservative global terrorists disguised as democratic do gooders . The United States and its allies continue to play dangerous war games in the region and the cost is borne by the people . Just look at the death toll in the region since 2001 .


@icequeens ... thanks for your vote .

USA has given the go ahead to Israel to kill a top general in Iran

Thanks for all the votes ....

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