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RE: California and Illegal Immigration

in #politics5 years ago

When Trump said send them to sanctuary cities I was elated.

I don't understand the issue of expense to get them to sanctuary cities. Let them walk. They walked thousands of miles to the botder. Now they would literally get a free ride immediately. Nope.

Trump comes up with the stuff ordinary families like mine would come up with while sitting around playing cards, etc. He is great! He is somehow tuned in. This is the best idea ever.

Send them to CA, let California withdraw from the union, Mexico can annex it and they can be one big happy socislist family.

You have pointed out the complete lack of common sense now being promoted by Democrats. There has to be Dems who are totally horrified by their party....where are they and why don't they fight back??!!

There is no longer room for apathy when it comes to our nation's future. We need Trump and many more who think America First. It is getting too much like the Borg from Star Trek. 'Resistance is futuile. You will be assimilated'. Nope, not hapoening.


I have a great deal of trouble understanding the hypocrisy of claiming to be a sanctuary city or state and not wanting to help with this border crisis. Forget that these people are illegal immigrants for a moment. Democrats that want to help everyone are not willing to step up and help with the humanitarian crisis at the border, it adds the the hypocrisy.

It comes down to a "Do as I say, not as I do." mentality. Democrats in California were elated to get a wall at San Diego, but no one else needs one. Walls are immoral, but no one is suggesting taking the wall in San Diego down.

There's just no way to have a conversation with people that have their minds so twisted with hypocrisy.

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