German company fritz-kola starts campain related to G20 meetings

in #politics7 years ago

Hey guys, this is my first post on steemit so I hope you like it.

After getting through a lot of horrible news I finally saw some light at the end of the tunnel :-)

The German beverage producer fritz-kola just started a really amazing campaign. As some of you may know, from 7-8 July the G20 meeting is taking place in the German city Hamburg.

The yearly meeting is kind of a trial of strength between the most powerful nations planning worlds future. While the big players are talking, the city is quite near to a state of exception which in fact is leading to interventions into civil right and restrictions for inhabitants and business people.

The whole campaign is written in German language and is titled "Mensch, wach auf!", which basically means "Man, wake up!".

The company tries to raise consciousnesses regarding this meetings, which take place closed from public and little to nothing is known about what they really decide about.

Regarding German Bundeskanzler Merkel the points that will be discussed are

1.) Fair deployment of wealth
2.) Economical growth
3.) Actions taken regarding climate change

Now the whole purpose of the campaign is to get the people wake up. The company states that these meetings are payed by people taxes and the people should have a right to get some voice about what is going to be discussed and decided.

The CEO writes that his company stands for a reasonable exchange between nations. Hamburg is an open minded and liberal city, but the politicians are meeting in the centre of Hamburg (called Schantzenviertel ) and disturb the casual everyday life of the inhabitants and companies which are doing their business.

To make it worse, big parts of the city are prohibited area. People living there have to show their identity cards to the police or security people, to be able to cross the area while going to their home place.

Beggars and homeless people have to move out of the city centre.

Therefor every post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram containing the hastag #menschwachauf will be rewarded by the company with donations to homeless people in Germany. It seems like fritz-cola hasn't heard about steemit yet, but I will do my best to reach them ;-) .

fritz-kola states that it stands for peaceful protest, free speech and an active discussion but is against those G20 meetings that make empty promises regarding intercommunication between peoples/nations, the climate change, a fair deployment of wealth and the useful spending of money.

First protests seem to have already started:

The whole campaign is backed by a video too which tries to encourage people to stand up for their rights. So far there is only a video in German language, but I thought I will post it for the German people at least.

I think this is a really cool movement of a big company and a really cool movement in general. Finally people stand up for their rights and try to set an action in a peaceful way.

Thumbs up! Wake up! :-)


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