Breaking- Syrian Chemical Attack- Just As Trump Said He Wanted To Pull Out Of Syria. Again.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Yet again, another False Flag, just as President Trump said he wanted to pull out of Syria- and the White-Helmets are there to report it all. False Flags are one of the oldest tricks in the book, and virtually every country and almost every generation have used them in war and in strategic propaganda efforts- usually to get into a war they could otherwise not get the support of the people for. False Flags are simply a strategic covert attack done on one entity, while making it look like it came from another source. Cui bono? Who benefits from this attack?

Before considering the trustworthiness of CNN and any government source that will try to convince you that as Trump decides publicly he will pull out of Syria, Assad decided he would rather have the United States in his country, threatening his country and his people- and so he did the ONE thing that would make them stay. He supposedly chemically attacked his own people.

It makes about as much sense as Putin wanting to start WWIII by attacking the United States after watching the Democrats and Neocons practically drooling all over themselves, licking their lips over starting another war with Russia. rolls eyes

Isn't it also interesting that just three days ago, it was reported that Israel thought pulling out of Syria would be a bad idea, and they would rather we stay in the middle east- in a war we should have never started...

Cui bono? Who benefits from this attack? If you read through the article it becomes quite clear who benefits if we leave, and who benefits if we stay? The United States certainly doesn't benefit, but the military industrial complex sure does, and Israel.. of that, I am certain.

Is it really any wonder why the mainstream media is called Fake News? Another extremely under reported fact the media omits is the fact that it was Obama and Hillary who armed ISIS to begin with, and who were the cause of the turmoil and countless deaths in Syria. The CIA, with help from Obama and Hillary, armed, funded and trained ISIS. Trump ended the arming of ISIS shortly after taking office.

For an excellent in depth report on the "White Helmets" and their previous shenanigans and false flag reporting in Syria, you definitely should watch TRUTHSTREAMMEDIA'S video on Syria, and the ISIS connected White-helmet's.

Jimmy Dore, one of the few progressive liberals who will admit that the government has been using False Flags in an attempt to keep us in the middle east.


For a few short examples on a long list of declassified admitted False Flags, this is good place to start...

7 CONFIRMED False Flag Attacks


Truly insightful... Nothing should surprise us in the world we live in now.

i think the only thing that surprises me are the people who still fall for this stuff..

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