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RE: The U.S. is Losing, That's Why We're Willing to Talk

in #politics6 years ago

Your article is very controversial.You say Trump isn't a part of the neocons,yet he appoints their best man,the ultrahawk Bolton.
You say that we realized we can't simply win a conflict,because of their new weapons,yet we push for a conflict.
So which version then?


I think Bolton is part of Trump's Crazy Ivan scare tactic on NK and Iran to force them into a deal. I've said many times that Trump cut a deal with the neocons to stay in power while working on Domestic policy issues.

And I also think they could be pushing him into a confrontation he may not be able to back down from. They don't want peace, but I suspect he still does. Watch what happens with the Kim meeting.

As for the conflict, there are many factions within the U.S. power structure... some, like the foreign policy wonks/neocons/etc. want a conflict to continue pursuing regime change and the destruction of Russia. Others don't. Trump is caught in the middle, wanting peace that most in the U.S. power elite do not want or believe is possible.

Maybe you right and he cut a deal with the neocons to have their war most likely with Iran next.I think he would never risk a conflict with Russia (what benefit comes from a mutual destruction),but taking out Iran could be a huge blow to them and to China.I believe this is the way they are thinking moving forward.

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