NATO intensifies exercises in Southern Poland against Russian aggression with choppers flying over my house hourly during daylight hours!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Will this Russian aggression meme ever end.
Check this I posted a few weeks ago.
NATO are a deluded and antiquated entity that have been obsolete for over 2 decades.
Their weapons are 2 generations behind the Russians and Chinese for that matter and their Generals are used to fighting 3rd world despots at best.
I don't see it ending well.

Looking at the helicopter I have to agree Percy! ... I'll check your link now :) ....

I think NATO is making up these threats of Russian aggression to justify their existence. Putin isn't stupid and certainly doesn't want a war with NATO. With NATO making all these manuevers on their borders how can they justifiably say that it is Russia that is the aggressor when clearly they are acting aggressively to them? I think NATO's days are long past and they're just trying to hold on when they should be dissolved.

I agree...the US should pull out of NATO.

Couldn't agree more.... This type of crap pretty much proves it.

I third that motion! Dissolve NATO altogether.

All agreed jp - Ever since Russia took Crimea in 2014 Poland has fiercely campaigned for an increase in NATO funding plus the requirement for a European nuclear arsenal! Crazy times indeed!

NATO is a square peg desperately searching the world for (or manufacturing if need be) a round hole to shove itself into.

Excellent analogy....very well put.


I was hesitant to reply to @mindhunter 's post because I couldn't tell what his take was on the whole NATO on Russia's doorstep thing.

From what I pick up in the media, it makes it sound like Poland still has deep seated against anger at Russia/USSR.

If I had to look at objective data though, there's a long history of The West, screwing over Central Europe.

Don't get a Hungarian started on Trianon or the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.

Good luck my friend. The world is heating up because of this fake economy around the world. Gears of war. Smell the napalm in the morning?

I do love that war imagery bb13 ;) Thank buddy - I'll try to stay safe!

Must be annoying...and somewhat worrying I guess. They are having exercises like this in my home country of Romania all the time now. I guess better hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Or at least pretend you are...

I hate the constant noise pollution! It really spoils the country mood on an hourly basis! GRRRRR! Thanks for passing by @creutzy :)

Good luck putting up with that! I hope it quietens down soon...

5000 NATO troops just arrived in Poland in the last few days, so I'm hoping things will calm down soon??!

soon is a relative term i guess... :)

Watch out over there buddy!

Beware the Russian hordes in Summer as the old Polish saying goes!

They are watching you lol Nice shot! Im following you :)

The Russians will be following this post too no doubt!

what kind of tree is that?

I'm going to guess Sumac.

tnx for the reply for my random question sry for the off topic but that's the reason i clicked on the article.

HIs pic evoked a response.

I'm not going to be judgemental about what thought it conjures up.

Go with it.

P.S. Does anyone know what model of helicopter this is?? 10 of them have flown over my house today!!

I guess it's either that, or black unmarked helicopters and a white surveillance van in your neighbor's driveway.... Oh, what times in which we live!

Poland is on high-alert since Russia took back Crimea. Another 5000 NATO troops arrived here in the last few days ... they are going training wildo right now! ... what times indeed @denmarkguy!

We live 120 miles west of Colorado Springs and it sure looks like the US Air Frce is preparing for some kind of war.

Krakow airport is full of US Air Force C-130s right now! Mass NATO troop transportation is going on here in Poland as we speak.

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