
Evil and Power seeking do seem to be in bed together these days; and these politicians are willing to say anything that they believe gives them advantage.

They have sold their souls to Satan, in my humble opinion (IMHO); and the lie is their only tool, since they are owned things! It is also why they continue to slide lower and lower, and despise all things that are Moral and decent!

We have allowed them to drag us to the precipice, and now must resist them; or fall into the pit of hell that they insist is our only possible final destination.


We just have to keep our resistance to a civil level. We can't sink ourselves to their level.

I will no longer allow them to win, just because they yell. Wrong is wrong, in spite of the volume. Like a petulant child, they have been winning just by yelling, for decades! This is NO LONGER acceptable!

IF We continue to allow these political BRATS to win, we are finished as a civilized world! They need the equivalent to a spanking, and Brats never appreciate discipline; no matter how desperately they need it!

We have moved past the time we can be decent to them. I do NOT intend to burn down their house, But I DO INTEND to tell them NO, and make it stick!

They do not understand when you are decent with them; they believe you have folded again! If you continue to be civil, these Brats will bury you!

NO MORE, FINIS! We can no longer allow the Kindergarten to run the country!


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