French President Macron

in #politics6 years ago

Fox News reported on statements made by French President Macron prior to President Trump's Armistice Day speech in the article Trump, speaking at Armistice Day event outside Paris, honors fallen soldiers as Macron, Merkel take shots at him. The article points to this commennt by President Macron:

“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism," Macron said at the solemn event, as Trump looked on stone-faced. "Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism."

This is an example of a globalist transforming the definition of words to fit an agenda. From the Collins Dictionary nationalism is defined as

  1. a sentiment based on common cultural characteristics that binds a population and often produces a policy of national independence or separatism
  2. loyalty or devotion to one's country; patriotism
  3. exaggerated, passionate, or fanatical devotion to a national community

Similarly patriotism is define as

  1. love and loyal or zealous support of one's country
  2. devotion to one's own country and concern for its defence

Potentially, President Macron needs a new French-English dictionary. What President Macron is trying to do is to cast President Trump, a self proclaimed nationalist, into the realm of the extreme nationalist that is a negative. The type of nationalism that puts one's own nation as a priority with total disregard for any other country. I would like President Macron, or anyone else for that matter, to give examples where President Trump has presented himself as this type of nationalist.

Maybe President Macron perceives money given to other countries through USAID as an indication of our nationalist's pride demonstrating we are better than other countries. In 2016, the USAID website indicates the U.S. made commitments to provide $50 billion dollars of aid to other countries. Of this, $104,483 went to France. This wasn't a one time deal. From 2010 thru 2016 the U.S. has provided France with $3,983,554. Maybe to back his protest President Macron would like to return the money his country has been given. President Macron, we'll accept Euros, but no checks please. If I had a flat tire on the side of a road, I certainly wouldn't insult any that stopped to give me assistance but maybe President Macron would.

I am not saying President Macron doesn't have the right to disagree with President Trump but criticism of President Trump should be based on specific actions rather than on globalist propaganda. Besides the tone of the statement, that I find offensive not only to President Trump but also personally, the timing of this criticism could not have been worse than on Armistice Day.

The article reports that President Macron went on to say:

"I know there are old demons which are coming back to the surface," Macron continued. "They are ready to wreak chaos and death. History sometimes threatens to take its sinister course once again."

I do believe President Macron is correct in saying there are old demons coming back to the surface. This time those old demons won't have the face of Germans, but of terrorists. Along with buying a new French-English dictionary, President Macron should also pick up a history book to see what side American nationalist pride supported the last time those demons were taking his country.

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